T.H.E. M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T. NOVEMBER 2014
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
NOVEMBER 11, 2014
Oakland, CA
Vol. XII issue v
Veteran's Day
By Chris Chandler
I believe that on Veteran's Day it is important to remember there are many ways to die in the service of your country. We should not only honor, remember, celebrate and lay wreaths upon the tombs of our fallen military veterans, But our fallen Veterans for Justice and our fallen Veterans for Peace. All who gave their lives for our freedom.
I am aware of the naiveté of my pacifism.
Yes, The United States did do her fair share liberating Europe and vicariously Russia from brutal tyranny just sixty odd years ago. But most of our military campaigns have been dubious at best.
Perhaps we did need to step in a century ago and mop up that awful squabble over the shifting powers of the newly industrialized European Corporations (I mean countries) Perhaps Abe Lincoln was justified in raising troops and marching them against his rebelling people. (Though people much smarter than me have pondered that one for much longer than I have. Could the slaves have been freed with out a war?)
But The War of 1812 – AKA the failed land grab of Canada.?
The Seminole Wars?
The Texas Revolution?
The Invasion of Mexico?
The Indian Wars of '65 to 90?
The Invasion of Cuba?
The Philippines?
Countless occupations in Central America?
The Korean war?
The Cold War?
Oil War I?
Oil War II?
The occupation of Afghanistan?
I can at least intellectually wrap my head around honor in serving your country. But, I also recognize (at least by odds) that inside Unknown Soldier's tomb lays a conscript.
Throughout human history poor people have been drafted to fight in rich people's fights. But still, I believe in Abraham Lincoln's words. "We have come to dedicate… a final resting place for those who here gave their lives [so that the] nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this."
Yes, in my younger days I might have jumped up on a bar stool and decried all warfare on Veteran's Day. But today I think – of those who have fallen in wars just and unjust. I think of conscripts forced to fight. Economic conscripts caught between Hardship and Kandahar – Bankruptcy and Baghdad. They are martyrs. They should be honored. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
However, There are many ways to die in the service of your country.
Many people in the United States have taken on many battles that are just, proper and good.
The fight for the 8 hours day.
The fight for child labor laws.
The fight for women's suffrage.
The fight of civil rights.
The anti war movement.
The Fight for Gay Rights.
The Fight for Immigrants' Rights.
(to name a few.)
Not to mention
The war on Poverty
The War on Drugs.
The War on Christmas.
No, seriously on this Veteran's Day I remember not only our fallen Veterans of War, but I remember Sacho and Vanzetti. Joe Hill, and John Brown. August Spies and Albert Parsons and the other Haymarket Martyrs. I remember Rachel Corey. I remember Alison Krause, Jeffrey Miller, Sandra Scheuer, and William Schroeder who were killed at Kent State.
I remember James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Henry Schwerner, young civil rights workers, were arrested by a deputy sheriff and then released into the hands of Klansmen who had plotted their murders.
I remember Emily Davidson who in 1913 martyred herself in protest of women's right to vote.
No, I can't name them all. And there are countless activists that have died in the line of duty.
I ask for a tomb of the unknown activist. I ask Barak Obama on Veteran's Day to lay a wreath in Utah where Joe Hill was killed by firing squad. "Don't mourn. Organize," he said.
On this Veteran's day, I remember Medgar Evers, who directed NAACP operations in Mississippi when he was shot and killed by a sniper at his home.
I remember that in May 1920 despite efforts by police chief (and former miner) Sid Hatfield and Mayor C. Testerman to protect miners from interference in their union drive in West Virginia,. A gun battle ensued, resulting in the deaths of 7 detectives, the mayor and 2 miners. Baldwin-Felts detectives assassinated Sid Hatfield 15 months later, sparking off an armed rebellion of 10,000 West Virginia coal miners at "The Battle of Blair Mountain," still, "the largest insurrection this country has had since the Civil War" The battled included aerial bombardment of US Citizens by the US military. I remember the war the Matawan.
I remember Rev. George Lee, one of the first black people registered to vote in Humphreys County, used his pulpit and his printing press to urge others to vote. White officials offered Lee protection on the condition he end his voter registration efforts, but Lee refused and was murdered.
I remember that on November, 23 1887 The Louisiana Militia, aided by bands of "prominent citizens," shot at least 35 unarmed black sugar workers striking to gain a dollar-per-day wage. I remember the victims of the Thibodaux Massacre.
I remember Harvey Milk the first openly Gay politician to hold elective office in California who was assassinated after passing stringent anti gay policies.
I remember the victims of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in 1911 whose death brought to light working conditions as well as child labor laws.
I remember Lamar Smith who was organizing black voters was shot dead on the courthouse lawn by a white man in broad daylight while dozens of people watched. The killer was never indicted because no one would admit they saw a white man shoot a black man.
I remember that on July 6 1892 Pinkerton Guards, trying to pave the way for the introduction of scabs, opened fire on striking Carnegie mill steel- workers in Homestead, Pennsylvania. I remember the victims of The Homestead Strike.
I remember that on December 29 1890 as many as 500 Lakota Sioux American Citizens were mowed down with machine guns by the United States Army as the attempted to practice their religious freedom. I remember Wounded Knee I.
I remember that on April 23, 1973 between eight and twelve individuals (names unknown) trying to break the siege of Wounded Knee by The US Armed Forces were intercepted by vigilantes. None were ever heard From again. I remember Wounded Knee II.
I remember that on June 21 1877 Ten coal-mining activists were hanged in Pennsylvania. I remember the "Molly Maguires"
I remember Herbert Lee, who worked with civil rights leader Bob Moses to help register black voters, was killed by a state legislator who claimed self-defense and was never arrested. Louis Allen, a black man who witnessed the murder, was later also killed.
I remember that on March 5, 1770 five labor leaders including one abolitionist were killed by the British Military. I remember the Boston Massacre.
I remember the hunger strikes of the Suffragettes.
I remember that on January 13 1874 as unemployed workers demonstrated in New York's Tompkins Square Park, a detachment of mounted police charged into the crowd, beating men, women and children indiscriminately with Billy clubs and leaving hundreds of casualties in their wake. Commented Abram Duryee, the Commissioner of Police: "It was the most glorious sight I ever saw..." I remember the victims of The Tompkins Square Riot.
I remember Paul Guihard, a reporter for a French news service, was killed by gunfire from a white mob during protests over the admission of James Meredith to the University of Mississippi.
I remember Raymond Yellow Thunder, member of the American Indian Movement tortured and beaten to death after being stripped naked and left in a Gordon, NE bar.. Found a week later stuffed in a trunk.
I remember Rev. Bruce Klunder was among civil rights activists who protested the building of a segregated school by placing their bodies in the way of construction equipment. Klunder was crushed to death when a bulldozer backed over him.
I remember that on June 8, 1904 A battle between the Colorado Militia and striking miners ended with six union members dead and 15 taken prisoner. I remember the Dunnville Massacre.
I remember Elijah Lovejoy abolitionist murdered for his beliefs and his printing press destroyed in 1837.
I remember Rev. James Reeb, a Unitarian minister from Boston, was among many white clergymen who joined the Selma marchers after the attack by state troopers. Reeb was beaten to death by white men while he walked down a Selma street.
I remember Fred Hampton, an African-American activist was assassinated as he lay in bed in his apartment.
I remember that on November 11 1919 Violence erupted when members of the American Legion attempted to force their way into an IWW hall in Centralia, Washington during an Armistice Day anniversary celebration. Four armed intruders were shot dead by members of the IWW, which prompted a local mob to publically lynch IWW organizer Wesley Everest. I remember The Centralia Massacre.
I remember Viola Gregg Liuzzo, a housewife and mother from Detroit, drove alone to Alabama to help with the Selma march after seeing televised reports of the attack at the Edmund Pettus Bridge. She was driving marchers back to Selma from Montgomery when she was shot and killed by a Klansmen in a passing car.
I remember that on September 10, 1897 Nineteen unarmed striking coal miners and mine workers were killed and 36 wounded by a posse organized by the Luzerne County sheriff for refusing to disperse in Pennsylvania. The strikers, most of whom were shot in the back, were originally brought in as strike-breakers, but later organized themselves. I remember the victims of the Lattimer Strike.
I remember Jonathan Myrick Daniels, an Episcopal Seminary student in Boston, had come to Alabama to help with black voter registration in Lowndes County. He was arrested at a demonstration, jailed in Hayneville and then suddenly released. Moments after his release, he was shot to death by a deputy sheriff.
I remember that on February 24 1912 Women and children were beaten by police during a textile strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts. I remember the Bread and Roses Strike.
I remember Vernon Ferdinand Dahmer, a wealthy businessman, offered to pay poll taxes for those who couldn’t afford the fee required to vote. The night after a radio station broadcasted Dahmer’s offer, his home was firebombed. Dahmer died later from severe burns.
I remember that on August 19 1916 Strikebreakers hired by the Everett Mills owner attacked and beat picketing strikers in Everett, Washington. Local police watched and refused to intervene. In response, the IWW called for a meeting. When the union men arrived, they were fired on; seven people were killed, 50 were wounded, and an indeterminate number wound up missing. I remember the Battle of Everett.
I remember Clarence Triggs was a bricklayer who had attended civil rights meetings sponsored by the Congress of Racial Equality. He was found dead on a roadside, shot through the head.
I remember that on November 21, 1927 picketing miners were massacred in Columbine, Colorado. I remember the first Columbine Massacre.
I remember Benjamin Brown, a former civil rights organizer, was watching a student protest from the sidelines when he was hit by stray gunshots from police who fired into the crowd.
I remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a Baptist minister, was a major architect of the Civil Rights Movement. He led and inspired major non-violent desegregation campaigns, including those in Montgomery and Birmingham. He won the Nobel peace prize. He was assassinated as he prepared to lead a demonstration in Memphis.
I remember that on October 12 1898 Fourteen were killed, 25 wounded in violence resulting when mine owners attempted to break a strike by importing 200 nonunion black workers. I remember the victims of the Virden massacre.
I remember that on April 27 1973 Buddy Lamont-AIM member was hit by M16 fire at Wounded Knee, Bled to death while pinned down by fire. Still no investigation.
I remember that in July of 1877 A general strike halted the movement of U.S. railroads. In the following days, strike riots spread across the United States. The next week, federal troops were called out to force an end to the nationwide strike. In Chicago, federal troops (recently returned from an Indian massacre) killed 30 workers and wounded over 100. I remember the "Battle of the Viaduct"
I remember Malcolm X though killed by people within his own cause, the institution of racism and the "Hate that hate produced" was the ultimate culprit in his demise.
I remember that on April 20 1914 the State Militia attacked a union tent camp with machine guns, then set it afire. Five men, two women and 12 children died as a result. I remember The "Ludlow Massacre."
I remember that on July, 22 1916 a bomb was set off during a "Preparedness Day" parade in San Francisco, killing 10 and injuring 40 more. Thomas J. Mooney, a labor organizer and Warren K. Billings, a shoe worker, were convicted, but were both pardoned in 1939.
I remember IWW organizer Frank Little lynched in 1916 Butte, Montana.
I remember -Philip Black Elk-AIM supporter killed when his house exploded. No details as to possible bomb parts found available. No further investigation.
I remember United Mine Workers organizer Ginger Goodwin was shot by a hired private policeman outside Cumberland, British Columbia in 1918.
I remember that on December 22, 1919 approximately 250 "anarchists," "communists," and "labor agitators" were deported to Russia where several of them died. I remember the first day of the 70 year Red Scare.
And finally on Veteran's Day, I remember The Veteran's Day Massacre in which Police killed 10 and wounded 30 at the Republic Steel plant in Chicago in 1937.
Yes, these are battles – and yes let us remember. It is by no means all. But it is important we remember them all.
To paraphrase Utah Phillips, (who was paraphrasing someone else – making this a "Folk" quote) "The most dangerous thing in the world is a long memory." And "Once your memory goes. Forget it."
Jen Delyth and I had a terrific time in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Penwreth, Malaga, Granada, Alhambra, and Barcelona. I played a few shows and was well received - even in a foreign language.
Paul and I plan a little run down the east Coast the first week orso in February
Seattle to LA
get your thoughts in on show then!
Christmas Gifts? HA! Supporrt your local Artists
May I recommend
H.E.R.E.S. .D.A. .D.A.T.E.S.
Upcoming Events:
Friday, November 14th, 2014 7:00 PM
Chris and Paul with Ira Marlowe
The Monkey House
1638 University ave 
Berkeley, CA
Friday, December 12th, 2014 8 PM
First Annual Traveling Holiday Extravaganza w/ Chris Chandler & local guests!
Oberon's Tavern
45 N Main St, 
Ashland, OR 97520
phone: (541) 482-2316
Saturday - Florence? Estacada? Something for SURE in Portland?
House Concert anyone?
Sunday, December 14th, 2014 8:00 PM
First Annual Traveling Holiday Extravaganza w/ John Eliott & Amy Sue Berlin plus local guests!
199 W 8th
Eugene, OR 97401
phone: (541) 338-9333
Monday, December 15th, 2014 8 PM
First Annual Traveling Holiday Extravaganza w/ John Elliott & Amy Sue Berlin plus local guests!
Axe & Fiddle
657 Main St
Cottage Grove, OR
Tuesday, December 16th, 2014
First Annual Traveling Holiday Extravaganza w/ John Eliott & Amy Sue Berlin plus local guests!
Corvalis, OR
Thursday, December 18th, 2014 8 PM
Mississippi Pizza (TENTATIVE)
Potland, OR
Friday, December 19th, 2014
First Annual Traveling Holiday Extravaganza w/ John Elliott & Amy Sue Berlin plus local guests!
Olympia, WA
Saturday, December 20th, 2014 7:00 PM
First Annual Traveling Holiday Extravaganza w/ John Eliott & Amy Sue Berlin plus local guests!
Egan's Ballard Jam House (TENTATIVE)
1707 NW Market Street 
Seattle, WA 98107
phone: 206-789-1621
Sunday, December 21st, 2014 8 PM
First Annual Traveling Holiday Extravaganza w/ John Elliott & Amy Sue Berlin plus local guests!
Green Frog
1015 North State Street
Bellingham, WA
NOVEMBER 11, 2014
Oakland, CA
Vol. XII issue v
Veteran's Day
By Chris Chandler
I believe that on Veteran's Day it is important to remember there are many ways to die in the service of your country. We should not only honor, remember, celebrate and lay wreaths upon the tombs of our fallen military veterans, But our fallen Veterans for Justice and our fallen Veterans for Peace. All who gave their lives for our freedom.
I am aware of the naiveté of my pacifism.
Yes, The United States did do her fair share liberating Europe and vicariously Russia from brutal tyranny just sixty odd years ago. But most of our military campaigns have been dubious at best.
Perhaps we did need to step in a century ago and mop up that awful squabble over the shifting powers of the newly industrialized European Corporations (I mean countries) Perhaps Abe Lincoln was justified in raising troops and marching them against his rebelling people. (Though people much smarter than me have pondered that one for much longer than I have. Could the slaves have been freed with out a war?)
But The War of 1812 – AKA the failed land grab of Canada.?
The Seminole Wars?
The Texas Revolution?
The Invasion of Mexico?
The Indian Wars of '65 to 90?
The Invasion of Cuba?
The Philippines?
Countless occupations in Central America?
The Korean war?
The Cold War?
Oil War I?
Oil War II?
The occupation of Afghanistan?
I can at least intellectually wrap my head around honor in serving your country. But, I also recognize (at least by odds) that inside Unknown Soldier's tomb lays a conscript.
Throughout human history poor people have been drafted to fight in rich people's fights. But still, I believe in Abraham Lincoln's words. "We have come to dedicate… a final resting place for those who here gave their lives [so that the] nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this."
Yes, in my younger days I might have jumped up on a bar stool and decried all warfare on Veteran's Day. But today I think – of those who have fallen in wars just and unjust. I think of conscripts forced to fight. Economic conscripts caught between Hardship and Kandahar – Bankruptcy and Baghdad. They are martyrs. They should be honored. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
However, There are many ways to die in the service of your country.
Many people in the United States have taken on many battles that are just, proper and good.
The fight for the 8 hours day.
The fight for child labor laws.
The fight for women's suffrage.
The fight of civil rights.
The anti war movement.
The Fight for Gay Rights.
The Fight for Immigrants' Rights.
(to name a few.)
Not to mention
The war on Poverty
The War on Drugs.
The War on Christmas.
No, seriously on this Veteran's Day I remember not only our fallen Veterans of War, but I remember Sacho and Vanzetti. Joe Hill, and John Brown. August Spies and Albert Parsons and the other Haymarket Martyrs. I remember Rachel Corey. I remember Alison Krause, Jeffrey Miller, Sandra Scheuer, and William Schroeder who were killed at Kent State.
I remember James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Henry Schwerner, young civil rights workers, were arrested by a deputy sheriff and then released into the hands of Klansmen who had plotted their murders.
I remember Emily Davidson who in 1913 martyred herself in protest of women's right to vote.
No, I can't name them all. And there are countless activists that have died in the line of duty.
I ask for a tomb of the unknown activist. I ask Barak Obama on Veteran's Day to lay a wreath in Utah where Joe Hill was killed by firing squad. "Don't mourn. Organize," he said.
On this Veteran's day, I remember Medgar Evers, who directed NAACP operations in Mississippi when he was shot and killed by a sniper at his home.
I remember that in May 1920 despite efforts by police chief (and former miner) Sid Hatfield and Mayor C. Testerman to protect miners from interference in their union drive in West Virginia,. A gun battle ensued, resulting in the deaths of 7 detectives, the mayor and 2 miners. Baldwin-Felts detectives assassinated Sid Hatfield 15 months later, sparking off an armed rebellion of 10,000 West Virginia coal miners at "The Battle of Blair Mountain," still, "the largest insurrection this country has had since the Civil War" The battled included aerial bombardment of US Citizens by the US military. I remember the war the Matawan.
I remember Rev. George Lee, one of the first black people registered to vote in Humphreys County, used his pulpit and his printing press to urge others to vote. White officials offered Lee protection on the condition he end his voter registration efforts, but Lee refused and was murdered.
I remember that on November, 23 1887 The Louisiana Militia, aided by bands of "prominent citizens," shot at least 35 unarmed black sugar workers striking to gain a dollar-per-day wage. I remember the victims of the Thibodaux Massacre.
I remember Harvey Milk the first openly Gay politician to hold elective office in California who was assassinated after passing stringent anti gay policies.
I remember the victims of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in 1911 whose death brought to light working conditions as well as child labor laws.
I remember Lamar Smith who was organizing black voters was shot dead on the courthouse lawn by a white man in broad daylight while dozens of people watched. The killer was never indicted because no one would admit they saw a white man shoot a black man.
I remember that on July 6 1892 Pinkerton Guards, trying to pave the way for the introduction of scabs, opened fire on striking Carnegie mill steel- workers in Homestead, Pennsylvania. I remember the victims of The Homestead Strike.
I remember that on December 29 1890 as many as 500 Lakota Sioux American Citizens were mowed down with machine guns by the United States Army as the attempted to practice their religious freedom. I remember Wounded Knee I.
I remember that on April 23, 1973 between eight and twelve individuals (names unknown) trying to break the siege of Wounded Knee by The US Armed Forces were intercepted by vigilantes. None were ever heard From again. I remember Wounded Knee II.
I remember that on June 21 1877 Ten coal-mining activists were hanged in Pennsylvania. I remember the "Molly Maguires"
I remember Herbert Lee, who worked with civil rights leader Bob Moses to help register black voters, was killed by a state legislator who claimed self-defense and was never arrested. Louis Allen, a black man who witnessed the murder, was later also killed.
I remember that on March 5, 1770 five labor leaders including one abolitionist were killed by the British Military. I remember the Boston Massacre.
I remember the hunger strikes of the Suffragettes.
I remember that on January 13 1874 as unemployed workers demonstrated in New York's Tompkins Square Park, a detachment of mounted police charged into the crowd, beating men, women and children indiscriminately with Billy clubs and leaving hundreds of casualties in their wake. Commented Abram Duryee, the Commissioner of Police: "It was the most glorious sight I ever saw..." I remember the victims of The Tompkins Square Riot.
I remember Paul Guihard, a reporter for a French news service, was killed by gunfire from a white mob during protests over the admission of James Meredith to the University of Mississippi.
I remember Raymond Yellow Thunder, member of the American Indian Movement tortured and beaten to death after being stripped naked and left in a Gordon, NE bar.. Found a week later stuffed in a trunk.
I remember Rev. Bruce Klunder was among civil rights activists who protested the building of a segregated school by placing their bodies in the way of construction equipment. Klunder was crushed to death when a bulldozer backed over him.
I remember that on June 8, 1904 A battle between the Colorado Militia and striking miners ended with six union members dead and 15 taken prisoner. I remember the Dunnville Massacre.
I remember Elijah Lovejoy abolitionist murdered for his beliefs and his printing press destroyed in 1837.
I remember Rev. James Reeb, a Unitarian minister from Boston, was among many white clergymen who joined the Selma marchers after the attack by state troopers. Reeb was beaten to death by white men while he walked down a Selma street.
I remember Fred Hampton, an African-American activist was assassinated as he lay in bed in his apartment.
I remember that on November 11 1919 Violence erupted when members of the American Legion attempted to force their way into an IWW hall in Centralia, Washington during an Armistice Day anniversary celebration. Four armed intruders were shot dead by members of the IWW, which prompted a local mob to publically lynch IWW organizer Wesley Everest. I remember The Centralia Massacre.
I remember Viola Gregg Liuzzo, a housewife and mother from Detroit, drove alone to Alabama to help with the Selma march after seeing televised reports of the attack at the Edmund Pettus Bridge. She was driving marchers back to Selma from Montgomery when she was shot and killed by a Klansmen in a passing car.
I remember that on September 10, 1897 Nineteen unarmed striking coal miners and mine workers were killed and 36 wounded by a posse organized by the Luzerne County sheriff for refusing to disperse in Pennsylvania. The strikers, most of whom were shot in the back, were originally brought in as strike-breakers, but later organized themselves. I remember the victims of the Lattimer Strike.
I remember Jonathan Myrick Daniels, an Episcopal Seminary student in Boston, had come to Alabama to help with black voter registration in Lowndes County. He was arrested at a demonstration, jailed in Hayneville and then suddenly released. Moments after his release, he was shot to death by a deputy sheriff.
I remember that on February 24 1912 Women and children were beaten by police during a textile strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts. I remember the Bread and Roses Strike.
I remember Vernon Ferdinand Dahmer, a wealthy businessman, offered to pay poll taxes for those who couldn’t afford the fee required to vote. The night after a radio station broadcasted Dahmer’s offer, his home was firebombed. Dahmer died later from severe burns.
I remember that on August 19 1916 Strikebreakers hired by the Everett Mills owner attacked and beat picketing strikers in Everett, Washington. Local police watched and refused to intervene. In response, the IWW called for a meeting. When the union men arrived, they were fired on; seven people were killed, 50 were wounded, and an indeterminate number wound up missing. I remember the Battle of Everett.
I remember Clarence Triggs was a bricklayer who had attended civil rights meetings sponsored by the Congress of Racial Equality. He was found dead on a roadside, shot through the head.
I remember that on November 21, 1927 picketing miners were massacred in Columbine, Colorado. I remember the first Columbine Massacre.
I remember Benjamin Brown, a former civil rights organizer, was watching a student protest from the sidelines when he was hit by stray gunshots from police who fired into the crowd.
I remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a Baptist minister, was a major architect of the Civil Rights Movement. He led and inspired major non-violent desegregation campaigns, including those in Montgomery and Birmingham. He won the Nobel peace prize. He was assassinated as he prepared to lead a demonstration in Memphis.
I remember that on October 12 1898 Fourteen were killed, 25 wounded in violence resulting when mine owners attempted to break a strike by importing 200 nonunion black workers. I remember the victims of the Virden massacre.
I remember that on April 27 1973 Buddy Lamont-AIM member was hit by M16 fire at Wounded Knee, Bled to death while pinned down by fire. Still no investigation.
I remember that in July of 1877 A general strike halted the movement of U.S. railroads. In the following days, strike riots spread across the United States. The next week, federal troops were called out to force an end to the nationwide strike. In Chicago, federal troops (recently returned from an Indian massacre) killed 30 workers and wounded over 100. I remember the "Battle of the Viaduct"
I remember Malcolm X though killed by people within his own cause, the institution of racism and the "Hate that hate produced" was the ultimate culprit in his demise.
I remember that on April 20 1914 the State Militia attacked a union tent camp with machine guns, then set it afire. Five men, two women and 12 children died as a result. I remember The "Ludlow Massacre."
I remember that on July, 22 1916 a bomb was set off during a "Preparedness Day" parade in San Francisco, killing 10 and injuring 40 more. Thomas J. Mooney, a labor organizer and Warren K. Billings, a shoe worker, were convicted, but were both pardoned in 1939.
I remember IWW organizer Frank Little lynched in 1916 Butte, Montana.
I remember -Philip Black Elk-AIM supporter killed when his house exploded. No details as to possible bomb parts found available. No further investigation.
I remember United Mine Workers organizer Ginger Goodwin was shot by a hired private policeman outside Cumberland, British Columbia in 1918.
I remember that on December 22, 1919 approximately 250 "anarchists," "communists," and "labor agitators" were deported to Russia where several of them died. I remember the first day of the 70 year Red Scare.
And finally on Veteran's Day, I remember The Veteran's Day Massacre in which Police killed 10 and wounded 30 at the Republic Steel plant in Chicago in 1937.
Yes, these are battles – and yes let us remember. It is by no means all. But it is important we remember them all.
To paraphrase Utah Phillips, (who was paraphrasing someone else – making this a "Folk" quote) "The most dangerous thing in the world is a long memory." And "Once your memory goes. Forget it."
Jen Delyth and I had a terrific time in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Penwreth, Malaga, Granada, Alhambra, and Barcelona. I played a few shows and was well received - even in a foreign language.
Paul and I plan a little run down the east Coast the first week orso in February
Seattle to LA
get your thoughts in on show then!
Christmas Gifts? HA! Supporrt your local Artists
May I recommend
H.E.R.E.S. .D.A. .D.A.T.E.S.
Upcoming Events:
Friday, November 14th, 2014 7:00 PM
Chris and Paul with Ira Marlowe
The Monkey House
1638 University ave 
Berkeley, CA
Friday, December 12th, 2014 8 PM
First Annual Traveling Holiday Extravaganza w/ Chris Chandler & local guests!
Oberon's Tavern
45 N Main St, 
Ashland, OR 97520
phone: (541) 482-2316
Saturday - Florence? Estacada? Something for SURE in Portland?
House Concert anyone?
Sunday, December 14th, 2014 8:00 PM
First Annual Traveling Holiday Extravaganza w/ John Eliott & Amy Sue Berlin plus local guests!
199 W 8th
Eugene, OR 97401
phone: (541) 338-9333
Monday, December 15th, 2014 8 PM
First Annual Traveling Holiday Extravaganza w/ John Elliott & Amy Sue Berlin plus local guests!
Axe & Fiddle
657 Main St
Cottage Grove, OR
Tuesday, December 16th, 2014
First Annual Traveling Holiday Extravaganza w/ John Eliott & Amy Sue Berlin plus local guests!
Corvalis, OR
Thursday, December 18th, 2014 8 PM
Mississippi Pizza (TENTATIVE)
Potland, OR
Friday, December 19th, 2014
First Annual Traveling Holiday Extravaganza w/ John Elliott & Amy Sue Berlin plus local guests!
Olympia, WA
Saturday, December 20th, 2014 7:00 PM
First Annual Traveling Holiday Extravaganza w/ John Eliott & Amy Sue Berlin plus local guests!
Egan's Ballard Jam House (TENTATIVE)
1707 NW Market Street 
Seattle, WA 98107
phone: 206-789-1621
Sunday, December 21st, 2014 8 PM
First Annual Traveling Holiday Extravaganza w/ John Elliott & Amy Sue Berlin plus local guests!
Green Frog
1015 North State Street
Bellingham, WA