Bruce U. Utah Phillips

> In the night of May 23, 2008, Bruce Duncan Phillips died in great peace,
> asleep in his bed in Nevada City, California, with his wife Joanna by
> his side.
> Amazingly, at the very same instant that the scholar Bruce Phillips
> finally discovered his angle of repose, U. Utah Phillips flagged a
> westbound freight train. Yes, a mighty fast rattler, on a long
> west-bound track. He needed no ticket, he was welcomed on board.
> The immediate family and neighbors of Bruce Phillips, along with any
> Wobblies who happen to be passing through, are gathering in Nevada City
> to do all the things that must be done. Please give them the quiet
> respect they so need right now.
> But you can wave "So Long!" to Utah when that train moves west. Hey,
> hear the whistle? He's passing by right now!
- Chris Chandler'e Muse and Whirled Retort February 2009
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT January 2009
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT December 2008
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT November 2008
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT October 2008
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT October 2008
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT Sept 2008
- Today is 8-8-8!
- Chirs Chandler's M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T. Aug 2008
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT July 2008
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT June, 2008
- Bruce U. Utah Phillips