Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT Sept 2008

M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
By Chris Chandler
Vol IX issue ix
August 30, 2008
New Orleans, LA
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Hey everybody.
Its that time of the month again sorry so late.
The 20th Anniversary Box set is in my hot little hands! It is a four CD/ 1 DVD featuring highlights from each of the 13 CDs I have released over the last 20 years Also a few selections from some of the Cassette tapes (remember cassettes) That I released in the days before CDs existed. "50 from 20"
50 songs from 20 years on the road. It is very exciting. Click here to order your copy now!
50 songs 50 bucks.
I guess an alternative title could be: Twenty Years of hard work is really worth about one tank of gas. And I could sure use one right now.
M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
By Chris Chandler
Vol IX issue ix
August 30, 2008
New Orleans, LA
Who'd have thought a bunch of poor people from my old neighborhood in New Orleans could so effectively shut down the Republican National Convention?
Hell, Amy Goodman getting arrested couldnt do that.
The buzz saws are blaring with the sound of ripping ply wood. Neighbors holding one piece in place while another screws it into place. Some go together like a familiar jig saw puzzle. Some plywood slides inside - others outside large burglar bars. Some screws land inside the same holes that held them in places for Andrew, Georges, and Katrina. Katrina. Some pieces labeled carefully so that the civil defense X fit together - spray painted by national guardsmen three years earlier in the largest human search and recover program ever instituted in this country. All of this preparation in the largest full scale state wide evacuation in American history.
There is an eerie chaos. Post traumatic stress. Odd suffering solidarity. Up town I pass military Humvees and personnel carriers - I wondered why I had not seen any down town.
I had a drink at the first business to reopen in the 9th after Katrina. It ran with coolers and candles and ice made from a generator. Ironically it is scheduled to go out of business. The crime in the neighborhood is just too bad, even for them. As I screw plywood to windows I understand why even my friends say they are not going to leave.
The traffic flows in both directions on 1-10 55 and 59. It is the largest evacuation in US history.
I watched like everyone else the 24 hour coverage. The levees filled. They buckled but did not break. Along the river on either side is an 8 foot mound of earth followed by a 6 foot flood wall. I sat in Atlanta watching the water rise to a foot below the wall. Wind blew some over the top. A CNN reporter stood at the top of the levee at the base of the flood wall 12 feet of water on the other side - pointing to water leaking through the flood wall. "I have spoken to an engineer and he confirms that this is more water than is supposed to leak through. Someone needs to come by and fill some sand bags and place them here."
I was thinking - "Someone!? Someone? You are standing right there. Do you have a shovel? Set the camera down and start filling."
She did survive, but it was a glancing blow. Make levees not war.
Sorry so brief and late this month insert anecdote about leaving the power supply to my computer in NOLA here.
Paul Benoit are planning a tour of the gulf coast (ish) in February. I am Picturing a route from Pensacola to Austin and up to Memphis.
If any one would like to present us please let me know
In Atlanta headed north to the DC area and going to take some time off the road to work on the new play.
If any one has ideas of who to contact to present this one man show in the fall of 09 please let me know.
I am looking for qualified stage hands to volunteer for the School of The Americas Watch the nations largest annual demonstration Nov 21-23 in Columbus, GA
Congratulations Dan and Jackie in Portland Oregon
T.H.A.N.K. .Y.O.U.!.
Paul Benoit, Michelle Sellers, Anne Feeney, Brian QTN, Michael Kerr, Kyrsten, Marci, Janet and Ken Bates, Deniese in Tacoma, Charlotte Thistle, Jim Page, Amie Piece, Jeremy, Gord and Jon, The Rhizome, Li Chris and Francis, The Victoria Folk Music Society, Patti Castle, Bob at the Upstage, Jason Carpenter, The Davis, Amy Shrader, Wiktor and Agnieszka. The Franklin House, The Black Bear Collective, Randy and Gaye Auxier, Vern and Lenore, Travis, Deniese, Bethany, and Stitch, Andrea, Jeffery, Louis Ledford, Chris Champaign, Dave Brinks, Kathleen Krause, The Saints, Claire, Kevin and Frank Chandler, Karen and Allan Murray, Robin and Carolyn Hall, Shirley Myers, The Philly Song Shuffle
The Few Dates that there are.
Sunday, September 14th, 2008, 11 AM
Takoma Park
Takoma Park Folk Festival
Takoma Park Middle School
Thursday, November 20th, 2008, 8 pm
Atlanta, GA
Eye Drum
290 mlk jr. dr.
Friday, November 21st, 2008
Columbus, GA
Ft Benning GA
Saturday, November 22nd, 2008
Columbus, GA
Ft Benning GA
Sunday, November 23rd, 2008, 8 pm
Atlanta, GA
Eye Drum
290 mlk jr. dr.
Thursday, February 5th, 2009, 6:00PM
Pensacola, FL
The Commerce Museum
Zaragosa and Tarragona Streets
- Chris Chandler'e Muse and Whirled Retort February 2009
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT January 2009
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT December 2008
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT November 2008
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT October 2008
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT October 2008
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT Sept 2008
- Today is 8-8-8!
- Chirs Chandler's M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T. Aug 2008
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT July 2008
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT June, 2008
- Bruce U. Utah Phillips