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The Chris Chandler Show

  • tid-bits

    looks like a victory for WDIY!

    Two of WDIY's pro-merger board members have resigned in the face of a

    lawsuit by several other board members and several of the founders, backed

    by an overwhelming number of our listeners, which means the board is now 6

    to 5 AGAINST the merger, and out current fund drive is doing well. I have

    included a link that I THINK will get you to the article in the Morning


    I know it ain't over till it's over, but it looks like the good guys may

    have just won this time. WDIY...We Did It, Yes!

    On to the election!

    click here

    Yet another example!  Please chime in and let your voice be heard - they even want WDIY!

    WDIY's board is voting Monday evening, and the Friends of WDIY has filed in court for Monday afternoon, saying the bylaws were modified illegally to allow a simple majority to vote in a major change, rather than 2/3 as in most board run non-profits. Unfortunately WLVT has lots of money and a partner in a major law firm as board prez, and he ain't stupid. We've got some press, though the big local paper is still pro merger. Keep your fingers crossed so we don't lose our truly "Public" public radio station.