The Muse and Whirled Retort June 2023

Greetings from The Kerrville Folk Festival(Photo Chris Chandler)
I know, I know. I am running late late late. Been running on Kerr - time. (for those of you who don’t know Kerrville Folk Festival time.)
I wanted to put this out on Memorial Day - because it is so close to the 1st - which is when I usually get this out.
I got caught up in the majik of the ranch - and let time slip away from me. But Lord, almighty is it fun! The photo to Your Left there was taken just before I went on stage. The rain stopped, the sun came out - and low and behold! The festival has been a touch stone for me for thirty + years! Ever since I was brought there by Anne Feeney. Presente.
I am also way behind in booking - and you could help. I am looking to fill a bunch of dates for shows with me and Paul.
If you are anywhere on the west coast of the US or Canada, and would be interested in presenting us at the end of July starting north to end of August as far south as Santa Cruz please gimmie a shout. I do have some irons in the fire - and below I have an outline of what all we are looking for.
But enough of that, I have some announcements at the end as well as well... some crass commercial announcements.
But you didn’t come here for any of that - let’s just cut to the chase.
T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
June 6 2023
Kerrville, TX
On this Memorial day, I am reminded of a particular folk song. Like it or not. Many do not. However, it is, in my opinion, it is THE quintessential folksong and this a Folk Festival. This is the quintessential Folk Festival.
In thirty-plus years of coming here, I have never heard it sung. I truly believe it the most powerful song I have ever heard.
It is an old song. Possibly ancient.
Kumbaya, My Lord. Kumbaya.
Kumbaya, My Lord. Kumbaya.
Kumbaya, My Lord. Kumbaya.
Oh Lord, Kumbaya.
There is lots of hair splitting over its language and origin. All, some, or some combination of all of the theories, (including none) are probably true. What is true is, I don’t care.
It seems to be widely agreed that the language is a Creole dialect of Gullah spoken on the Sea Islands off the coast of my home state of Georgia. It means, “Come by here.” or possibly “Come by there.” Depending on your GPS, they very well may mean the same thing.
Like changing the ‘I’ to ‘we.’ Or even like, “Aloha.”
After a pandemic with disproportionate global vaccination rates, and in the age of climate change: and with the complete randomness of rapidly increasing gun violence. ‘There’ really is ‘here.’
Think about that as you sing this with us.
Someone’s singing Lord. Kumbaya.
Someone’s singing Lord. Kumbaya.
Someone’s singing Lord. Kumbaya.
Oh Lord, Kumbaya.
OK, OK I get it. Some of you (especially the younger people) are not into this. If you have never had a (non-ironic) experience with this song you are missing out.
It is powerful.
So, powerful that there has been an effort to squash its power. If Pete Seeger, or Joan Baez had released it today, it would be poo-pooed as cultural appropriation.
The other side uses it as a pejorative. I recall a T-Shirt that answered back, “Kumbaya, Mutha Fuka”
But an even better answer came a few years back, when I was at a festival in the Mid-Atlantic. Earlier that day, some Fox News pontificator had made fun of the left for just sitting around singing Kumbaya.
They proceeded to perform the song in a way that it viscerally moved the audience a cappella.
Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya.
At first we were doubtful, too aware of the irony, not wanting to be seen or heard singing such a cornball.
Someone’s sleeping Lord, Kumbaya.
Soon the cornball recast into a snowball.
Someone’s waking Lord, Kumbaya.
Someone’s singing Lord, Kumbaya.
Words became chants. Chants became mantras harmonizing into a phono-synthesis of sincerity, exuberance, joy. Majik.
Someone’s dancing Lord, Kumbaya.
Audience hugging, swaying back-and-forth. Candles lit. Earth sized soap bubbles soaring translucent in the sun. Life affirming epiphanies.
Oh Lord, Kumbaya.
Truly, one of the most powerful moments offered from a stage I’ve ever experienced.
Someone’s crying, Lord. Kumbaya.
Someone’s crying, Lord. Kumbaya.
Someone’s crying, Lord. Kumbaya.
Oh Lord, Kumbaya.
As we emerge from the isolation of this long pandemic, Which officially ended just a few short weeks ago - we emerge into a new solitary confinement of the unconscious.
We have come out of our Hidey-holes into a new pandemic, even more toxic than COVID 19.
The national-Pandemic of almost daily mass shootings.
School shootings.
Surpassing COVID-19 as the number one killer of children is death by firearm.
Do we now have to replace the N-95 Mask with a kevlar Vest?
It is sad to say that by odds, you or someone you know has been affected. There have been that many.
And thoughts and prayers are not enough.
Perhaps Kumbaya does mean, “Come by there.” (depending on your GPS) Like changing the I to we.
Because WE are effected.
Yes, your prayers are important, but they will only be answered if you write to your senator, congressman, governor, as you sing”
“Come by here, my Lord. Come by here”.
Demand all common sense gun legislation be passed immediately as you remind them of the 9 killed in a shopping mall in Allen Texas on May the 6th of this year.
“Come by there, My Lord. Come by there”
Demand funding the CDC to treat gun violence as a public health issue for surely it is, as you remind them of the six Shot at an Elementary School in Nashville TN on April 10th.
“Oh Lord, Come by here.”
Demand support for local violence prevention training as you remind them of the five people killed in Cleveland Texas on April, 28 of this year.
Kumbaya, My Lord. Kumbaya.
Remind them that on May 24th, only one year ago less than 100 miles from right here 19 children and 3 adults were shot in Uvaldie, Texas.
Kumbaya, My Lord. Kumbaya
And for the too many to be named that have been killed in the more than 365 mass shootings since we last gathered here last Memorial Day. Enough is enough.
Kumbaya, My Lord. Kumbaya
Pray for the dead but fight like hell for the living.
Oh Lord, Kumbaya
Please rise as we pray.
Kumbaya, My Lord. Kumbaya.
Kumbaya, My Lord. Kumbaya.
Kumbaya, My Lord. Kumbaya.
I made a music video for Paul Benoit solo.
Here it is! It was shot by Paul and Paula Caso. Edited by me. I am proud of it! Please click like and subscribe! I only need a few more subscribes to monetize my channel.
I have put the fifth season of Your Poem of the Week on hold for a bit - but rest assured a new one is coming. I would love your feed back as to how you would like to see it different - but as always thanks for yur support on this long running project.
Here is a selection from the last series.
If you would like a copy of our latest album you can get either a physical copy or a downloadable one at It hovered around #100 on the folk charts for 8 weeks. That is saying alot for an album with all 6 Min trax!
Chandler’s Spin has been reprinted and if you would like a copy of one or all they are right here. It is a collection of one liners selected from 30 Years of being on the road.
They are my 30 Year anniversary - so they cost 1 book $15 or all 3 for $30 (come on - that amounts to a dollar a year!)
You have heard me read from them in Your Poem of the Week!
Paul and I are looking for dates from BC to Santa Cruz end of July thru August. after the Crass commercial announcements will be an outline of the dates.
I could not do this without your support.
Click on the logo for a direct link!
If you would like to be a continuing supporter you can do so at Patreon @TheChrisChandlerShow.. A couple of bux a month goes a long ways!
If you would like to make a one time donation you can do so at PayPal @ baldchandler or Venmo @TheChrisChandlerShow.
H.E.R.E.S. .D.A. .D.A.T.E.S.
Friday, July 7th, 2023
The Oregon Country Faire Faire Site Stage Times TBA
Venita, OR
Saturday, July 8th, 2023
The Oregon Country Faire Blue Moon Stage 12:20 -1:20
Venita, OR

Sunday, July 9th, 2023
The Oregon Country Faire Blue Moon Stage 3:00- 4:00
Venita, OR
Sunday, July 9th, 2023
The Oregon Country Faire Library Stage Dark:30 PM
Venita, OR
Saturday, July 15th, 2023
Portland Scotish Highland Games Mt Hood CC (W Jen Delyth)
Portland, OR
Purchase Tickets: For More Info
Saturday, July 22nd, 2023
Seattle Scottish Highland Games Enemclaw State Park (with Jen Delyth)
Enemclaw, WA
Sunday, July 23rd, 2023
Seattle Scottish Highland Games Enemclaw State Park (with Jen Delyth)
Enemclaw, WA
We are looking for some combination of Victoria, Vancouver, Seattle, Port Townsend, Bellingham, Olympia, Vashon, Lopez Island - or there abouts.
Tuesday August 8 thru Tuesday August 15
We are looking for some combination of Portland, Eugene, Corvallis, Florence, Anywhere costal Oregon, Ashland - or there abouts.
Tuesday August 15 thru August 22
We are looking for any combination of Northern California, San Francisco, Oakland, North Bay, Santa Cruz, Nevada City - or there abouts.
If you can Help - drop us a line!
- The Muse and Whirled Retort January 2024
- The Muse and Whirled Retort
- The Muse and Whirled Retort
- The Muse and Whirled Retort June 2023
- The Muse and Whirled Retort
- The Muse and Whirled Retort April 2023
- The Muse and Whirled Retort
- The Muse and Whirled Retort
- Chris Chandler’s Muse and Whirled Retort February 2023
- The Thanksgiving we do Celebrate