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The Chris Chandler Show

  • The Muse and Whirled Retort 2021

    The Muse and Whirled Retort March 2021

    Chris Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort March 2021

    Hey Everybody,
    It's that time again. I try to get these out on the first of each month. But I am a day late (and a dollar short, but that is a different story) already 1/6th of the way through 2021.


    Friday March 5th at 7 PM Eastern
    The Mighty Monthly Muse
    Each month on the first Friday I do a full set complete with special guests.

    This Month all former music directors of mine REUNITE for one terrific show!
    (in alphabetical order) Danny Dollinger and Christina Wulf, John Ellitott, David Rovics and Sean Shanahan,

    The Show is a sliding scale - no one turned away for lack of funds,
    If you have zero then pay zero.
    But you do have to make a reservation and a zoom link will be sent to you.

    To make a reservation Click Here:
    or paste:

    A celebration of her life and music

    Save the Date:
    April 3, 2021 at 3pm EST, U.S.

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    I continue to host my "Poem of the Week" series live from my personal FaceBook page now in 2021 at 7 PM Eastern on Fridays!

    I am slowly getting them posted to my you tube channel.
    I would love love love it.

    if you would subscribe. I am very close to the number from which I could monetize my channel. Thanks!
    or paste

    If you would like to support me, this news letter, or these broadcasts
    or paste:

    or if you can spare a couple of bux per month you can be a patron click here:

    all proceeds are being used to make the broadcasts better each time!
    ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! of the crass commercial announcements - I know what you are here for...
    It is time for

    T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
    from Highland Park, NJ
    on March 02, 2021

    I Dreamed I Saw Anne Feeney/Presente
    By David Rovics/ by Chris Chandler

    "Don't Mourn, Organize."

    I dreamed I saw Anne Feeney,
    it was on a picket line
    Somewhere in the world
    where the workers did combine
    Cheering on the strikers
    with a guitar in her hand
    From Oregon to Ireland

    Her roots remain in the earth from whence she came, and to where she will lie. Her grand father, an Irish immigrant, William Patrick Feeney used his violin as a tool to organize mine workers. I have no doubt that her grand children will do the same.

    Hers was a life long commitment to some how, some way, and by any means necessary stand upon the long arc of the moral universe - use it as a trampoline - to assure that it continues to bend towards justice.

    I dreamed I saw Anne Feeney
    amid the foggy glow
    Of the flash-bang grenades
    outside the WTO
    Singing songs against the war
    at a military fort
    Or making arguments in court

    Crisscrossing the country in jalopies made of passion, from picket lines in the rain to tear gas in the streets.

    If it happened in the last 69 years. She was a part of it.

    "Fear a movement that sings," she insisted.

    "Take the music to where it needs to be heard," she would say.

    I dreamed I saw Anne Feeney
    in the Texas hills
    Singing songs around a torch at Kerrville
    Crossing every bridge she could
    with the wheels of a car
    With some CDs in the trunk
    along with a guitar

    At Kerrville, I recall her singing to the working staff there (of which she was a part) "The Internationale." A small handful of cowpokes listened to her with their Stetsons tilted like the Victrola Dog until a Hispanic delivery man stepped up to stand beside her and sang, "Levantaos, prisioneros de hambre", a German tourist stepped up and offered "wird die Menschheit befreien."

    A Swede, an Israeli and even, yes, a camera toting tourist offered a verse in Japanese. She medleyed the song into "Solidarity forever," and before she was done she had the entire ranch singing with a Texas accent, "The union makes us strong!"

    I dreamed I saw Anne Feeney,
    I dreamed she never fell
    She was in Baja with her grandkids, doing swell
    Sharing free advice
    on how to find the cheapest flights
    So you can be throwing Swedish snowballs
    beneath the northern lights

    It will take all of us to -- as Pete Seeger sang with her -- "Carry it on!" May we cary it on. It is a heavy lift, but together we are strong. It will take all of us.

    I dreamed I saw Anne Feeney
    get her first dose of vaccine
    Instead of reading of the people
    who died of Covid-19
    In the New York Times,
    nice things that they said
    But I so much wish we could have
    Anne still here instead

    My friends, a giant has fallen, and we must all, now, stand upon each other's shoulders -megaphone in hand - as we announce to the world that from this vantage point we CAN see the arc of the moral universe as it bends towards justice.

    Anne Feeney, Presente!

    I dreamed I saw Anne Feeney

    H.E.R.E.S. .D.A. .D.A.T.E.S.

    March, 2021

    5 Friday
    7:00 PM
    The Mighty Monthly Muse: Full Set
    The infamous 8:30 Club---
    including a reunion of former band leaders, as well as a small tribute to Anne Feeney and Lawerance Ferlinghetti

    12 Friday
    7:00 PM
    The Poem of the Week
    Chris Chandler's personal Face Book Live Stream---

    19 Friday
    7:00 PM
    The Poem of the Week
    Chris Chandler's personal Face Book Live Stream---

    26 Friday
    7:00 PM
    The Poem of the Week
    Chris Chandler's personal Face Book Live Stream---

    April, 2021

    2 Friday
    7:00 PM
    The Mighty Monthly Muse: Full Set
    The infamous 8:30 Club---

    3 Saturday
    "A Celebration of the life of Anne Feeney"
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    A celebration of her life and music

    Save the Date:
    April 3, 2021 at 3pm EST, U.S.

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    (Login information will be sent as details are finalized)

    9 Friday
    7:00 PM
    The Poem of the Week
    Chris Chandler's personal Face Book Live Stream---------