The long awaited new album is here!

May 6, 2022.
Austin, TX
Lots going on in Chandlerland!
I am running behind, I usually get this out on the first of each month.
Paul Benoit and I have a new album! “Don’t Go Back to Sleep.” We are going to do a small handful of shows around the Bay Area Next Week (see Schedule Below) Including a virtual ON LINE Live stream full concert that you can attend no matter where you are.
Just go to:
I Want to watch Chandler and Benoit Live!
or paste:
if you would like a copy of the new album just go to:
I want the new Chandler and Benoit album:
or paste:
If you can support me or this news letter on a continuing basis - say, just the cost of a cup of coffee a month - it all helps!
you can do so at:
Wanna make a single contibution - i can not thank you enough:
But enough of the crass comercial announcments here is your
M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
May 6
Austin, TX
Happy Cinco De Mayo
(OK OK I know, I am late getting this out)
No, it is not Mexican Independence Day.
Nor is it a major Holiday there.
There it is commonly referred to as Battle of Puebla Day
and no the Battle of Puebla was not a battle against Spain.
It was against the French.
It was not in 1820 (when Mexico successfully seceded from Spain,)
nor was it in 1910 When the Republic of Mexico was born.
Ya know, the older I get, it seems the faster years go by, so that when you read a little history - ya start to see shorter passages of time ya start seeing greater connections between events that happened 10, 20, 30 even 50 and 60 years earlier.
Hell, it seems like only yesterday i was worried that all the computers were going to stop working at midnight as we were partying like it’s 1999.
So, let me back up.
We U.S. Americans, we “Americans” are always calling our selves that as if we are the only country in North, South or Central America.
Mexicans are Americans too - so I say US Americans - because United Statesmen is just wrong, and so is USians.
But I digress.
When we US Americans finally removed the yoke of European Monarchy in 1783 (the end of The US American war for independence - while leaving Slavery intact - we were quite proud of our selves.
So, you would think that 25 years later when Mexico lifted her yoke of European Monarchy - we would have become fast friends.
But since the Mexico’s Revolutionary Army that forced Spain to surrender was made of largely enslaved Native Central Americans, Mexico had the good taste to abolish slavery.
So instead of accepting, helping and developing a symbiotic alliance with Mexico, we instead invaded it.
First it was Florida, (which did not allow slavery until we took it) then Texas’ where people like Davey Crocket looking to expand the number of Slave States moved in and took it.
But the US needed another State
to balance the number of free states with slave states...
So Texas got to claim it was its own country until Iowa came along so the two joined the country at the same time...
But Texas wasn’t enough - we decided we needed California, New Mexico and Arizona too...
Ya know what they call New Mexico in Mexico?
Used to be Mexico. (apologies to Dave Lippman for that.)
So we invaded - Sent our Army all the way to Mexico City - and the the US Marines still sing “From the Halls of Montezuma” all the way to Wounded Knee - that was the Marines too, but I digress.
After we invaded Mexico, and got all those new well... states the balance of power began to shift and the issue of Slavery started getting really heated and we had a Civil war over it.
And with the US army engaged in Civil War it was unable to enforce the Monroe Doctrine, which stated that anyone trying to invade anywhere in this hemisphere (except well.. us) will have to deal with us The US.
Seeing this, France thought this would be a terrific time to invade Mexico so they could sell arms to the Confederacy in exchange for cotton. So they invaded, Installed a puppet government named Maximillion.
The Confederacy had plans to ally with Maximillion, get arms from France and expand southward from Texas to include all of Mexico in the confederacy.
But Maximillion’s Army of 2000 was soundly defeated
at the Battle of Pubela de Los Angelas by Bento Juerez
with an army of 500 Indigenous Central Americans. On May the 5th 1862.
Cinco De Mayo
It was not a deceive victory the war dragged on for 5 more years - but it was a moral victory but it became a rallying cry for Mexicans
to Remove the yoke of a second European Monarch. The French
But I want to go back to that
little US invasion of Mexico in 1846.
No all US Americans were so gungho about this war!
Especially those from Ireland.
The Potato Famine was sending Large numbers of
starving “poor and huddled Masses”
And remember Mexico is a
Catholic Country, and So is Ireland.
So with that thought, on Cinco De Mayo I would like to read you some song Lyrics by my good Friend and Comrad David Rovics.
“St Patrick’s Battalion”
by David Rovics
My name is John Riley
I’ll have your ear only a while
I left my dear home in Ireland
It was death, starvation or exile
And when I got to America
It was my duty to go
Enter the Army and slog across Texas
To join in the war against Mexico
It was there in the pueblos and hillsides
That I saw the mistake I had made
Part of a conquering army
With the morals of a bayonet blade
So in the midst of these poor, dying Catholics
Screaming children, the burning stench of it all
Myself and two hundred Irishmen
Decided to rise to the call
From Dublin City to San Diego
We witnessed freedom denied
So we formed the Saint Patrick Battalion
And we fought on the Mexican side
We marched ‘neath the green flag of Saint Patrick
Emblazoned with “Erin Go Bragh”
Bright with the harp and the shamrock
And “Libertad para la Republica”
Just fifty years after Wolf Tone
Five thousand miles away
The Yanks called us a Legion of Strangers
And they can talk as they may
From Dublin City to San Diego
We witnessed freedom denied
So we formed the Saint Patrick Battalion
And we fought on the Mexican side
We fought them in Matamoros
While their volunteers were raping the nuns
In Monterey and Cerro Gordo
We fought on as Ireland’s sons
We were the red-headed fighters for freedom
Amidst these brown-skinned women and men
Side by side we fought against tyranny
And I daresay we’d do it again
From Dublin City to San Diego
We witnessed freedom denied
So we formed the Saint Patrick Battalion
And we fought on the Mexican side
We fought them in five major battles
Churobusco was the last
Overwhelmed by the cannons from Boston
We fell after each mortar blast
Most of us died on that hillside
In the service of the Mexican state
So far from our occupied homeland
We were heroes and victims of fate
From Dublin City to San Diego
We witnessed freedom denied
So we formed the Saint Patrick Battalion
And we fought on the Mexican side
So we formed the Saint Patrick Battalion
And we fought on the Mexican side
Thanks so much for listening.
Wanna get the new record?
If you can support me or this news letter on a continuing basis - say, just the cost of a cup of coffee a month - it all helps!
you can do so at:
Wanna make a single contibution - i can not thank you enough:
LET ME SEE THE Poem of the Week Playlist!
or Paste:
H.E.R.E.’.S. .D.A. .D.A.T.E.S.
Sunday, May 8th, 2022 1:00 PM
The Poem of the Week Facebook Live Stream
Each Week I do a poem for you. Sometimes with special guests! Always with "Fun Texas Facts" and your "Moment of Spin"

Thursday, May 12th, 2022 8:00 PM
Barfly Caberet Martuni's
4 Valencia StSan Francisco, CA
As a duo with Paul Benoit and Dawn Oberg

Friday, May 13th, 2022 6:00 PM
Live Stream CD Release Party "Don't Go Back to Sleep" 08:30 Club
Live Stream West Coast time
Chris and Paul will perform the New Album Live!
It is a pay what you can event including zero. If you have it please help cover the ones that don't thanks.

Saturday, May 14th, 2022 11:00 AM
Call of the Wild Weekend Jack London State Historical Park
2400 London Ranch RdGlen Ellen, CA
Purchase Tickets: click here
With John Elliott
The theme for the weekend is "Seek the Mysterious Something That Calls." This is from a passage in Call of the Wild: "But especially he loved to run in the dim twilight of the summer midnights, listening to the subdued and sleepy murmurs of the forest, reading signs and sounds as a man may read a book, and seeking for the mysterious something that called—called, waking or sleeping, at all times, for him to come."

Sunday, May 15th, 2022 11:00 AM
Call of the Wild Weekend Jack London State Historical Park
2400 London Ranch RdGlen Ellen, CA
Purchase Tickets: click here
With John Elliott
The theme for the weekend is "Seek the Mysterious Something That Calls." This is from a passage in Call of the Wild: "But especially he loved to run in the dim twilight of the summer midnights, listening to the subdued and sleepy murmurs of the forest, reading signs and sounds as a man may read a book, and seeking for the mysterious something that called—called, waking or sleeping, at all times, for him to come."

Sunday, May 15th, 2022 1:00 PM
The Poem of the Week Facebook Live Stream
Each Week I do a poem for you. Sometimes with special guests! Always with "Fun Texas Facts" and your "Moment of Spin"

Monday, May 16th, 2022
SF or within 100 miles TBA with Paul Benoit TBA Can you help fill this date?

Tuesday, May 17th, 2022
SF or within 100 miles TBA with Paul Benoit TBA Can you help fill this date?

Wednesday, May 18th, 2022
Chris and Paul with John Elliott Bazaar Cafe
5927 California StSan Francisco, CA
Chris and Paul will join our old friend John Elliott for an intimate song swap.

Thursday, May 19th, 2022
Chris Chapel presents The Big Easy
Petaluma, CA

Friday, May 20th, 2022 8:00 PM
Chris Chandler and Paul Benoit return to Santa Cruz The Live Oak Grange Hall
1900 17th AveSanta Cruz, CA

Saturday, May 21st, 2022
CD Release Party "Don't Go Back to Sleep" The Monkey House
1638 University AveBerkeley, CA

Sunday, May 22nd, 2022
Chris Chandler and Paul Benoit return to Nevada City House Concert TBA
TBANevada City, CA

Sunday, May 22nd, 2022 1:00 PM
The Poem of the Week Facebook Live Stream
Each Week I do a poem for you. Sometimes with special guests! Always with "Fun Texas Facts" and your "Moment of Spin"

Sunday, May 22nd, 2022 1:00 PM
The Poem of the Week Facebook Live Stream
Each Week I do a poem for you. Sometimes with special guests! Always with "Fun Texas Facts" and your "Moment of Spin"

Saturday, May 28th, 2022
Costa Mesa Highland Games Orange County Faire Grounds
88 Fair DriveCosta Mesa, CA

Sunday, May 29th, 2022
Costa Mesa Highland Games Orange County Faire Grounds
88 Fair DriveCosta Mesa, CA

Sunday, May 29th, 2022 1:00 PM
The Poem of the Week Facebook Live Stream
Each Week I do a poem for you. Sometimes with special guests! Always with "Fun Texas Facts" and your "Moment of Spin"

Sunday, May 29th, 2022 1:00 PM
The Poem of the Week Facebook Live Stream
Each Week I do a poem for you. Sometimes with special guests! Always with "Fun Texas Facts" and your "Moment of Spin"

Monday, May 30th, 2022 7:00 PM - June 12, 2022
The Kerrville Folk Festival The Kennedy Theatre
3876 Medina HighwayKerrville, TX

Sunday, June 5th, 2022 1:00 PM
The Poem of the Week Facebook Live Stream
Each Week I do a poem for you. Sometimes with special guests! Always with "Fun Texas Facts" and your "Moment of Spin"

Sunday, June 12th, 2022 1:00 PM
The Poem of the Week Facebook Live Stream
Each Week I do a poem for you. Sometimes with special guests! Always with "Fun Texas Facts" and your "Moment of Spin"

Sunday, June 19th, 2022 1:00 PM
The Poem of the Week Facebook Live Stream
Each Week I do a poem for you. Sometimes with special guests! Always with "Fun Texas Facts" and your "Moment of Spin"

Sunday, June 19th, 2022 1:00 PM
The Poem of the Week Facebook Live Stream
Each Week I do a poem for you. Sometimes with special guests! Always with "Fun Texas Facts" and your "Moment of Spin"

Thursday, June 23rd, 2022
The Kate Wolf Festival Black Oak Ranch
Laytonville, CA
with Jen Delyth sitting in and hosting open stages

Friday, June 24th, 2022
The Kate Wolf Festival Black Oak Ranch
Laytonville, CA
with Jen Delyth sitting in and hosting open stages

Saturday, June 25th, 2022
The Kate Wolf Festival Black Oak Ranch
Laytonville, CA
with Jen Delyth sitting in and hosting open stages

Sunday, June 26th, 2022
The Kate Wolf Festival Black Oak Ranch
Laytonville, CA
with Jen Delyth sitting in and hosting open stages

Sunday, June 26th, 2022 1:00 PM
The Poem of the Week Facebook Live Stream
Each Week I do a poem for you. Sometimes with special guests! Always with "Fun Texas Facts" and your "Moment of Spin"

Sunday, June 26th, 2022 1:00 PM
The Poem of the Week Facebook Live Stream
Each Week I do a poem for you. Sometimes with special guests! Always with "Fun Texas Facts" and your "Moment of Spin"

Sunday, July 3rd, 2022 1:00 PM
The Poem of the Week Facebook Live Stream
Each Week I do a poem for you. Sometimes with special guests! Always with "Fun Texas Facts" and your "Moment of Spin"

Friday, July 8th, 2022
The Oregon Country Faire Home
Venita, OR

Saturday, July 9th, 2022
The Oregon Country Faire Home
Venita, OR

Sunday, July 10th, 2022
The Oregon Country Faire Home
Venita, OR

Sunday, July 10th, 2022 1:00 PM
The Poem of the Week Facebook Live Stream
Each Week I do a poem for you. Sometimes with special guests! Always with "Fun Texas Facts" and your "Moment of Spin"

Monday, July 11th, 2022
through August 1 Looking for dates in the NW Oregon, Wahington, British Columbia

Sunday, July 17th, 2022 1:00 PM
The Poem of the Week Facebook Live Stream
Each Week I do a poem for you. Sometimes with special guests! Always with "Fun Texas Facts" and your "Moment of Spin"

- Just the Links
- The long awaited new album is here!
- Chris Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort March 2022
- Muse and Whirled Retort February, 2022
- The Muse and Whirled Retort January 2022
- Muse and Whirled Retort December, 2021
- Chris Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort November, 2021
- Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort February 2010
- chandler's Muse & Whirled Retort January 2010