The April 2nd Edition of The Muse and Whirled Retort from Chris Chandler

The April the 2nd edition
April 2, 2009
Vol X Issue vi supplemental
Silver Spring, MD
No, ladies and gentlemen - I am not now the Mr Whipple of Wachovia. But thanks so much for believing I was (those of you who did)
I am not sure if I enjoyed the letters of congratulations or the lengthy multi-paged screeds on the evils of Wachovia and how I am a major sell out.
Or even the little walks down memory lane from April Fools 5 years ago when I managed to convince many of you that I was now a motivational speaker for Lockheed Martin and would be opening for the Charley Daniels Band at the Paul Wolfowitz theatre in Langley, VA.
This time around, I managed to fool some of the smartest people I know. Zoinks!
I think my favorite might have been my own entertainment lawyer writing me asking, "What do you mean you need an entertainment lawyer?!"
Someone told me they had read it out in the blog-o-sphere first. HA! I have trouble traversing the Chandler-o-sphere so I will just imagine that part to be true.
OK OK. If any one of you had written me to say you asked a question in Barack Obama's town hall meeting I would have bought it.
Maybe I would have bought that anyone of you was becoming a spokes person for Wachovia. Where my BULL SH@#%*! Flag would have gone up is the fact that Wachovia Bank would hear our concerns and start investing in neighborhoods.
Now that IS a Whopper .
Well, in any event, I felt a second E-Mail is in order. Feel free to reply.
OK OK - I promise not to bug you guys with two E-Mails in a row like this often. I really try to make this strictly a once a month thing. I really do appreciate your kind words and thoughts.
I am going to wait to unsubscribe those of you who did so until after tomorrow in the hopes that this note will at least change some of your minds.
I won't bore y'all with another newsletter - other than to say
THANKS for all the responses.
I swear the people on this list are the absolute coolest folks on the planet!
And since so many of the coolest folks on the planet have asked -I
will give you a few highlights of what is really going on.
Danny Dolinger and I are busy rehearsing for the NE tour in May. We have some holes in our calendar and would be willing to extend the tour on either end. See dates below.
In particular we would like something in Baltimore and DC Western Mass, and Conn.
Paul Benoit and I are looking for dates on the West coast for July for the Wachovia in your neighborhood House Concert Tour.
I haven't posted much but we have a lot of irons in the fire. We are looking for shows anywhere from Santa Cruz to Courtney, BC.
As well as a date in DC/Balto/Philly June 13 14ish He will be playing with me at X-Fest.
Paul Benoit and I are looking for dates in England and or Holland for August. Again, nothing is posted but We have some irons in the fire. If you can be of some help here please let us know.
The Box set continues to do well. If you are interested in obtaining a boxed set featuring the best of the past twenty years on the road click here.
I hope to have a book out for the summer that is a compendium of the best of the past ten years of this news letter. T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
I have a different featured video on my home page each month. I have not completed a new one since the last George Mann Project. I am still working on one for Anne Feeney and soon to start one for Andrew Mcknight about Mtn Top Removal.
If any of you have any video on the subject please let me know.
T.H.A.N.K. .Y.O.U.! A.G.A.I.N. - so you know i wasnt foolig about that too
Shirley Myers, Anne Feeney, Michelle Sellers, Karen, Kevin, Frank, Mom, Celene de Loach, The Baltimore Poetry Slam, Brian QTN, Joe and Jay, EEQ, Pat Barnes, CD Baby.
H.E.R.E.S. .D.A. .D.A.T.E.S.
chris chandler Upcoming Events:
With Danny Dolinger
You should check him out on the link to your right. He is one of the best songwriters I personlally know. His album "Rome Wasn't Burnt in a Day." Is on my Facebook essential can't live without list. That is if I had one of those.
Thursday April 30, 2009
With David Bryne
More info on this date will be posted to my site soon!
Friday, May 1st, 2009 6:00 PM
Passaic County Cultural and Heritage Council and the NJ Council for the Arts Present a Labor Day Celebration
American Labor Museum/Botto House National Landmark
Haledon, NJ
phone: (973)595-7953
Saturday, May 2nd, 2009 8:00 PM
Peace Groups on Long Island Present Chris Chandler and George Mann
the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bellport
51 Browns Lane
Bellport, NY
phone: 212-923-6372
PRICE: $10.00
This will be a split bill with Geroge Mann and myself.
Sunday May 3, 2009
House Concert in the spring anyone?
Monday, May 4th, 2009 9:30
Geoff Bartley Features Chandler at his long running Open Mic
Can Tab
Central Square
Cambridge, MA
phone: 617 354-2685
Tuesday, May 5th, 2009 8 PM
poetry Feature Got Poetry Live
Blue State Coffee
300 Thayer Street
Providence, RI
Wednesday, May 6th, 2009 7:30
Speak UP!
70 Market St
Lynn, MA 01901
phone: (781) 477-0700
Thursday, May 7th, 2009
Wrench in the Works
Willimantic, CT
Friday, May 8th, 2009 8 PM
House Concert
Delilahs Den by XFS goddess Courtney Malley
Philadelphia, PA
Saturday, May 9th, 2009 8 PM
The First Spring Concert Ever!
Marshall Farm
Robbinsonville, NJ
Time to be announced, you are welcome to join us around 6 pm.
Sunday May 10th
I would really love to play somewhere on this date!
I have Danny in tow the show is rehearsed and ready to go.
Wanna throw a house concert but don't know how?
Drop me a line.
Friday, June 12th, 2009
With Paul Benoit.
The Extreme Folk Festival XFS
the Country Creek Winery
Telford, PA
June 12-13th 2009, 2 days of awesome music, vendors, wine, food at the Country Creek Winery in Telford PA.
- Chris Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort December, 2009
- Chris Chandler'e Muse and Whirled Retort Novmber 2009
- Chris Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort October, 2009
- Today is 9-9-9 Let us celebrate the number 9...
- Chris Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort September, 2009
- Chris Chandler'e Muse and Whirled Retort August 2009
- Chris Chandler'e Muse and Whirled Retort July 2009
- Chris Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort June, 2009
- Chris Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort May, 2009
- The April 2nd Edition of The Muse and Whirled Retort from Chris Chandler
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT April 2009
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT March 2009