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The Chris Chandler Show

  • Meek Rising - Don't Go Back to Sleep (6:39)

    Meek Rising / Don’t Go Back to Sleep
    Chris Chandler / Paul Benoit

    Can you hear the harmonies, don’t go back to sleep.

    In the “before times,”

    I like it when your next to me, Don’t go back to sleep.

    we sat upon our couches,

    There were angels on the radio

    we hit the TV remote

    and devils in the dawn

    and the little white dot appeared in the static

    The sun was singing loudly

    and from its static

    but i don’t know the song

    the television itself calmly commanded:

    Don’t go back to sleep.

    “Buy a Toyota.”

    But today, the TV speaks in a somber tone:

    The master knows when every sparrow falls

    “In these tying times,"

    Don’t go back to sleep

    "Buy a Toyota.”

    You will answer when he calls Don’t go back to sleep

    I say, Celebrate these trying times.

    Memories caught in the wire, the hounds let loose your mad desire

    Celebrate how we can come together.

    So much to hold No more to give away

    Blessed are the meek

    We were drowsy everyday

    for they shall inherit the earth.

    Don’t Go back to sleep


    I do not wish to inherit the earth,
    I am not meek.
    but I do want to help create
    an Earth worth

    Light a lamp talk to your shadow Don’t go back to sleep

    The illiterate quote the ignorant

    It’s no ordinary battle

    in an effort to mask

    Don’t go back to sleep

    the refusal to wear a mask
    as rugged individualism.

    Lost again in the seas depth

    and the greater good as
    “flock mentality.”

    We are all sailing on a sinking ship

    The very same ones
    that long for herd immunity

    Our voyage ended in a stand.

    are the very same ones
    that deride us as sheep.

    never come back again.

    and to that, I say,
    Be a shepherd.

    Don’t go back to sleep

    We need shepherds.

    We must be strong enough to stand alone,
    yet wise enough to stand together.

    We can not fly unless we first stand.
    and when we all stand together
    we realize that the lifting power
    of many wings
    can achieve
    twice the distance
    of any single bird flying alone.

    When the bird in front tires
    he flies to the back so that he may rest
    in the draft of the others.

    It is in deed YOUR attitude, that determines OUR altitude, and our altitude is determined by,
    the attitude of those we fly with.

    Fly with me?

    It is no coincidence
    that both sheep and birds
    travel as a flock.

    I think of the essential workers...
    as the essential members of our flock.

    Sheep and bird.
    both flying point AND folding into the flock.

    Some get plenty of praise...
    first responders, cops, nurses, firefighters,
    they have good salaries,
    they have pensions.
    they have a voice... that is being heard

    We honor them.
    and loudly,
    but what about the others?

    (in these tying times)
    Let us hear them.

    The truck drivers,
    the meat packers, the pet food canners.
    They are our saviors.

    Step lightly over sorrow Don’t go back to sleep

    Saved are the sanitation workers
    and online school teachers,

    It might visit you tomorrow

    Precious are the
    Postal workers.

    Don’t go back to sleep

    Divine the delivery drivers,
    for they are glorious,
    and there could be no glory without them.

    Love mercy and southing grace

    Glorious are the garbage workers,

    will lift you to a higher place

    the tik-tok go go girls,

    Trying to be what you’ll never be

    and grocery store stockers

    is like arguing with electricity

    you are hollowed
    and for you I shout

    Don’t go back to sleep


    Beautiful are the the beverage bottlers,

    Absolved are the auto mechanics
    Christened, the computer repair people,
    for you are transcendent.

    are the tasks of the lowest of the low magnified by the looking glass of ten thousand eye balls that see at once.

    (in these tying times),
    The strength of the whole is defined by the individual...
    the strength of the individual is created by the whole.


    Holy are the highway maintenance men.

    Holy are the Hoi Polloi

    Holy are the vandals for vigilance.

    Holy are those that Howl for humanity.

    Holy are the riffraff of righteousness,

    Holy are the wretched rank-and-file rabble
    yearning to be roused.

    Hallowed are the handy men...

    Bodacious are the Bodega attendants,

    Forever, the farmers and Pharmacists.

    Luscious are the liquor store lackeys (no pun intended,)

    magnificent the marijuana dispensaries

    perfect, the protestors,
    the afore mentioned vandals for vigilance
    they are
    after all -

    I’m ok with the mystery

    as they face the teargas of oppression

    in an effort to burn down

    Don’t go back to sleep

    the last vestiges of
    “the before times.”

    The different ways it feels to me

    so that the meek shall rise

    Don’t go back to sleep

    from the ashes of the past,

    So many voice from the sea

    to inherit a world

    Don’t go back to sleep

    we have all helped make

    And all the unplaced melodies

    worthy of inheriting.

    Don’t go back to sleep