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The Chris Chandler Show

  • Chris Chandler's  Muse and Whirled Retort  November, 2007

    T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
    November 1, 2007
    Volume IX Issue ii
    Silver Spring, MD

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    H.O.W. .T.O. .G.E.T. .S.T.U.F.F.
    Myspace  BS.  You can download or listen to a few songs for free there.  www.myspace/chrischandlerorg

    It is a good time to be thinking of a gift for that special someone or maybe that libertarian Uncle you can't ever decide what to get.


    2.Greetings and Quick rundown of personal news:  

    Thanks so much for reading my little missive.  I continue my vow to only bother you once a month.

    I had a terrific trip up to Boston this month.  Fall was in her best costume and flaunting it for the world.

    I have had a blast hanging with my old friend Jim Infantino even though we played as the Red Sox were entering the World Series.  Here is a piece of advice to other travelers.  Do Not Play New England when the Red Sox are in the World Series.  Therefore, I am working in a little trip back to New England with Seattle's Paul Benoit.  I am still looking for dates and let me tell you what a show this will be!  

    If you would like to host us á" there are several opportunities.  I am committed to making this work!

    In January Paul Benoit and I will do a quick tour of the NW so if you would like to present us there let me know.

    In February we are looking at Texas, Louisiana, Florida and Tennessee.

    And enough of the news about me... It's that time of the month again!  that's right folks its time for (Trumpets blare - cymbals clash - a midget dressed in red white and blue stands upon a donkey painted like a zebra.  Into his megaphone he shouts....  


    T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.

    November 1, 2007
    Volume IX Issue ii
    Silver Spring, MD

    Well" at least the war is going well.  I mean, the one on the environment.  

    This month wildfires have raged in southern California sending more than a million refugees scurrying.  Those that could not escape briefly held up at Qualcomm stadium bringing back comparisons to Hurricane Katrina.  Personally, I think the differences are well" black and white.

    But there is one obvious comparison that needs to be made.  

    They were both manmade disasters

    Many chimed in immediately that you can not compare arsenic to hemlock.  
    I say, in this instance you can.  One arson, the other murder.

    However, when a sick arsonist in the richest city in America destroys mansions, millions of dollars in rewards and the entire weight of the federal government comes down upon the perpetrators.  But, in the poorest city in America, if thousands of poor people die, their shotgun shacks destroyed no one posts a reward for the killer.  Sorry, It needed to be said.

    No one pays attention to the studies both before and after the disaster showing the levies criminal neglect.  Murder.

    When the richest city in America faces a crisis, George Bush doesn't even bother to finish his golf game before he darts out comparing Orleans and Oranges.  Patting himself and FEMA on the back.  I think every time he speaks he makes Arnold Schwarzenegger look down right presidential.  

    New FEMA director Paulison said Katrina "was a wake-up call" and that "this is a new FEMA."  Ya see we really can do things right" if you are rich white and republican.

    Many ask is there a lesson learned?  Well, yes.

    Please, don't get me wrong here.  I feel for those who lost their property and the families of those that lost their leves and I am sure we all realize that there were significantly different challenges in the fire zone than in the Gulf Coast.

    Thank you to the fire fighters and volunteers.

    There are countless examples of how these two catastrophes cannot be compared. The fires aren't covering every square foot of the region, as Katrina did. The devastation in California is intense but not universal.   On the other hand, you can wade through, swim through, fly over or sail across water.

    The military seems to have better luck dealing with fire.  During and immediately after Katrina, the destruction was so complete that relief personnel and supplies -- even the U.S. Army -- could not get within miles of the disaster's epicenter, New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward, for several days. Perhaps they should have called the Navy.  

    Victims in California are not stranded on rooftops without food or drinkable water, but are able to hop in their SUV and travel the relatively short distances to safe places.

    Don't mess with Mother Nature?  Not unless you can afford to take her to a nice place.  Get her a little drunk.  I hear she's easy.

    Yes, there are countless ways the two can not be compared á" but a few in which they can.

    I don't think you will find too many that will argue that you will be able to buy a plastic plate of lemon grass noodles and a Styrofoam bowl of Pho in the food court of that shopping mall that burned in suburban San Diego before there levies are rebuilt in New Orleans.

    Hell, I bet the entire old growth forest will grow back before that happens.

    I have been laying low in the DC area for most of the month.

    In a week or so I go down to Georgia for a few shows and to participate in the annual School of the Americas Watch protest.

    Then it is up to New England

    If you would like to contribute to the health of this newsletter please click:
    This month I will be loading up videos to Myspace and You-tube.
    Please stop by and ummm... be my friend.
    As always, CDs are available at
    Thanks to Shirley, Anne Feeney, Jim and Catherine Infantino, Patti Smyth, Todd Muller, Caroline, Diane Crowe,  Echo Lake Concert Series. Pat Barnes, Joe and Jay.  
    H.E.R.E.S. .D..A. .D.A.T.E.S.
    Thursday, November 15th, 2007, 8 pm
    Atlanta, GA
    Eye Drum
    290 mlk jr. dr.

    Friday, November 16th, 2007
    Columbus, GA
    Ft Benning/Howard Johnson Hotel

    Saturday, November 17th, 2007
    Columbus, GA
    Ft Benning/Convention Center

    Saturday, November 17th, 2007
    Columbus, GA
    Ft Benning Main Stage

    Sunday, November 18th, 2007
    Columbus, GA
    Ft Benning/Convention Center

    Wednesday, November 21st, 2007
    Eddie's Attic
    515-B North McDonough St.

    Friday, November 23rd, 2007
    Atlanta, GA
    Madratz Infoshop
    840 Dekalb Ave.

    Saturday, November 24th, 2007
    Eddie's Attic
    515-B North McDonough St.

    Sunday, November 25th, 2007, 8:00
    Decatur, GA
    Java Monkey
    Church and Ponce de Leon

    Friday November 30, 2007
    Takoma Park, MD
    The Electric Maid

    Saturday, December 1st 2007
    Looking for a house concert in the Philadelphia area

    Sunday, December 2nd, 2007
    Souderton, PA
    The home of Bradley and Deborah Keough
    80 Hillside Ave
    215 723 9788

    Tuesday, December 4th, 2007
    Providence, RI
    Reflections Cafe
    468 Wickenden St
    (401) 273-7278

    Wednesday, December 5th, 2007, 8 pm
    NYC, NY
    The Sidewalk
    94 Ave A

    Thursday and Friday December 4th and 5th
    I really need to book something here
    There are a couple of tentative dates.

    Saturday, December 8th, 2007
    Willimantic, CT
    Wrench in the Works

    Sunday, December 9th, 2007, 8 pm
    Cambridge, MA
    47 Palmer St
    617 492 5300
    Monday, December 10
    I would like to get something in the DC or Baltimore area.

    And here is what I want to fill:


    Sunday 27 Atlanta

    Monday 28 New Orleans

    Tuesday 29 Austin

    Wednesday 30 Travel

    Thursday 31would like to fill these dates in the NW


    Friday 1 Eugene, OR

    Saturday 2 Portland, OR

    Sunday 3 would like to fill these dates in the NW

    Monday 4 would like to fill these dates in the NW

    Tuesday 5 would like to fill these dates in the NW

    Wednesday 6 would like to fill these dates in the NW

    Thursday 7 would like to fill these dates in the NW

    Friday 8 Seattle, WA

    Saturday 9 Port Townsend, WA

    Sunday 10 Victoria, BC

    Monday 11 Vancouver, BC

    Tuesday 12 Bellingham, WA

    Wednesday 13

    Thursday 14 San Marcos, TX

    Friday 15 Austin, TX

    Saturday 16 Houston, TX

    Sunday 17 Baton Rouge, LA

    Monday 18 New Orleans, LA

    Tuesday 19 New Orleans, LA

    Wednesday 20 New Orleans, LA

    Thursday 21 Friday 22 Memphis á" North American
    Folk Alliance

    Saturday 23 Memphis á" North American Folk Alliance

    Sunday 24 Memphis á" North American Folk Alliance

    Monday 25 Nashville, TN

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