Chris Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort December, 2007
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Vol IX issue iii
December 1, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Hey everybody,
It's that time of the month again. In the imeadiate future I will be headed to New England with Seattle's Paul Benoit. Hope to see you out there! OH, we will also be doing a couple of home town events in Washington, DC. I haven't played DC in 2007 so come on out!
Thanks so much for your responces to the news letter. I send it once a month usually on or about the first of the month. It is subscribed to by about 10,000 people and is usually a little editorial followed by some announcements and a list of where you can catch a show.
In short, THANKS soooo much for your intrest and support!
Love O Rama,
Chris Chandler
So here it is:
T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
Vol IX issue iii
December 1, 2007
Atlanta, GA
In DC a few days ago George Bush met with Al Gore. I think it was George's way of fighting global warming. After the 2000 election, I always figured hell would freeze over before that happened. But no. Hell is not freezing over. I know. I have been watching the History Channel's new series called Ice Road Truckers. Many wondered why the show was picked up by The History Channel but if you think about it, with the melting polar ice caps the whole concept is soon to be well. . . History. In fact they are already in production for next year's season to be called The North Pole Midshipmen.
Henry Hudson and Stan Rogers would be proud. We have found the North West Passage. The big disappointment though is Santa has been forced to relocate his shop. It was a move that did not surprise many toy manufactures. It had been projected for years.
It seems the global warming problem coupled with the rising cost of reindeer feed and new demands made by the Elves have caused the economic viability of The North Pole facilities to become obsolete. Rising demand by American children insisting higher and higher quantities of T.M.X. Elmo eXtra Special Edition, Pleno the Dinosaur, and Fisher Price Lil Super Star Sing Along Karaoke Machine had sent the Elves into triple overtime. Santa simply had to find someone of a similar height to keep up with demand.
The Choice was obvious: Chinese Children. It seems the sweat shops in China are well equipped to keep up with demand and Chinese Children will work for less than those pudgy cookie eating elves.
So this year the sleigh has been replaced with a rickshaw pulled by a team of Chinese flying water buffalo. Donder, Blitzen and the gang have found work in this season's long awaited sequel "Crouching Tiger, Flying Reindeer."
"Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!" Has now been replaced with "On Kung Pao, and Lo mein! Moo shu! And Wanton!" Of course we can't forget "General Tso the Red nosed Gnu."
Hardest hit by all of this are the Elves that are now seeing 80 percent unemployment - especially after an embarrassing incident in a celebrity dance competition. Besides Santa, the only regular hirer of Elves is the Keebler company and come-on, how many Pecan Sandies and Danish Wedding Cookies can ya stand?
Travelocity considered a few commercial spots with the "Roaming Gnome" but the "Itinerant Elves" just didn't have the same ring. Good fortune (if you want to call it that) has only come to a few of Santa's rebel Elves who had been living on the wrong side of the Pole. Sources say over a dozen were paid well by Howard Stern for appearing in an episode on his TV show exploring the subtleties of Midget Porn.
Frosty the Snowman seems to have survived for now and is living in the walk in freezer at a This Can't Be Yogurt just outside Dubuque, IA. There was a brief fear he was going to change his name to Aquafina the Water boy. But Lydia James, a 37 year old Barista - still living with her parents, stepped up and put her job on the line saying she could not stand the thought of his lump of coal eyeballs sinking to the bottom of a water cooler somewhere with his carrot nose and corn cob pipe floating on top.
Perhaps the biggest concern will be for Mrs. Claus who now finds herself at the age of one hundred and eight forced to sew Barbie sized jackets for the ever popular "Singing Hannah Montana Doll." But what is she complaining about? The current rate for sewing one of those jackets is 1 cent per dozen. (really)
But lets not talk about the losers. The winners are of course the children. And that is what Christmas is all about. With Santa's exodus from the North Pole he no longer needs to worry about restrictions he once endured. Toys will be brighter and more beautiful than ever this Christmas season with new higher tech lead paints once restricted in the North Pole facilities.
How else can Santa keep those Wal-Mart shelve stocked with X-Box, Furreal Friend's Remote control Ponies, and for the teenage Girl the Text Msg electronic Diary.
D.D. ?4U y 5555 over bf? Need 2 poahf & get afc 3 bbt
Santa and his elves just could not compete. They have those kids working 19 hours a day. They can sleep on the floor next to their assembly line post. Elves wouldn't stand for that. (Although there have been vicious rumors circulating about the Keebler Company's work schedule)
Those kids can work for a cup of rice a week. Every Elf needs the occasional Nutter Butter. Those Chinese kids don't need no stinkin' Nutter Butter. Those shelves have to be stocked. Have to. It's Christmas. And if we have to whip the kids in China to make sure American kids have a good Christmas than By-God we will. Those Chinks aren't Christian and for that matter neither are the Elves. They are Pagan. They'll burn in hell anyway. So what difference does it make?! It's Christmas! What would Wal-Mart be with out well stocked shelves? There would be no Christmas!
And besides this is not Santa's first move. His exile into isolation at the North Pole came when he was forced (again by the Americans) to move from his native Russia during the McCarthy era. This won't even be Santa's first time living in a communist country. Despite Washington Irving and The Saturday Evening Post's best efforts, he in fact remained in Russia well past the Boshvic Revolution and even through his courtship with Coca Cola in the 1930's. Yes, that benevolent bearded pipe smoking man you see wistfully depicted in Coke Ads from the 30s was in fact a Commie.
There is a radical splinter group of Santa die hard do gooders (mostly housed in the left wing of the Catholic Church) who maintain Santa's Move, -- what with his big heart and stalwart reputation -- believe his secret agenda is to transform the sweatshop environment.
However, the larger bodies with in most churches have joined the crusade this Christmas. It seems that those Chinese children have a monopoly on the manufacture of Crucifixes and other religious items including the New Testament itself. (really)
First it was all the American Flags, now the bible?
Some Protestant churches have joined in (at least in spirit) and are replacing actors in their Christmas Living Manger pageants with workers from Guatemala found hanging outside the home Depot. Yes, this year the three wise men are actually named Rafael, Ricco and Carlos. The good news is. . . the baby Jesus? His name really is Jesus. . . (Hey Zeus) . . . the two year old son of Mary and Juan of Corpus Christi, Texas.
As for the Crucifixes, even ones clearly marked "made in Italy" (leaving one to presume by tranquil monks) were in fact made in China in Sweatshops under deplorable conditions. (really)
So the next time you see a lawn lit with a plastic baby Jesus just ask, "Where was Jesus Made?"
The School of the Americas Watch demonstration drew 25,000 people this year. It was inspiring to see all of those peope showing up in mass (so to speak) demanding the School be shut down. We missed by 8 votes in 2007 and our goal is clearly within our grasp by winning the vote slated for 2008.
The three benefit concerts I put together raised about 8 thousand dollars the one in Atlanta at the Eye Drum put together by Elise Witt makes over $10,000. Thanks to all who helped and attended.
On November 30 in Washington, DC
Paul Benoit and I are performing a benefit for Common Ground to assist them in rebuilding New Orleans
See the dates for details
I am still considering the west coat in February. I will be at the Folk alliance in February If you have any thoughts on that trip and want to have me perform in your town please drop me a line.
Thinking of a Christmas Gift? How about any of
And what is Christmas with out giving. And there could be no giving if some self-less person out there was not willing to take a little bit. If you would like to contribute to the health of this newsletter please click:
This month I will be loading up more videos to Myspace and You-tube.
Please stop by and ummm... be my friend.
As always, CDs are available at
T.H.A.N.K. .Y..O.U.
Shirley, Anne Feeney, Paul Benoit, Chris Insera, Bill Abner at Atlanta Sound and Lighting, All of the wonderful folks who helped at SOAW especially Jarred, Joe Jencks, Dave Lippman, The info Bus, Eric LeCompt, Elise Witt, The Eye Drum, Kodac Harrison, Eddie Owens, Cullen, The Info shop, Fishman, Mom, Kevin, Karen, Frank, Sheila the Wonder Bink, Joe, Jay, Pat Barnes, Kate, Jim and Catherine Infantino, and Karen Kilroy.
H.E.R.E.S. .D..A. .D.A.T.E.S.:
Friday, November 30th, 2007, 7:30 Washington, DC
Letelier Theater 3251 Prospect Street NW
Saturday, December 1st, 2007, 8 PM Philadelphia, PA
the Home of Stu Bass
for info contact
Sunday, December 2nd, 2007 Souderton, PA
The home of Bradley and Deborah Keough
80 Hillside Ave 215 723 9788
Tuesday, December 4th, 2007 Providence, RI
Reflections Cafe
468 Wickenden St (401) 273-7278
Wednesday, December 5th, 2007, 8 pm NYC, NY
The Sidewalk
94 Ave A
Thursday, December 6th, 2007 Brooklyn, NY
Hanks Saloon 46 3rd Ave (at Atlantic Ave)
2 blocks from Atlantic Terminal and Hoyt-Schermerhorn
Friday, December 7th, 2007, 8:30 pm Middletown, CT. 06457
Klekolo World Coffee TENTATIVE
181 Court St. 860-343-9444
Saturday, December 8th, 2007 Willimantic, CT
Wrench in the Works
Sunday, December 9th, 2007, 8 pm Cambridge, MA
47 Palmer St 617 492 5300
Monday, December 10th, 2007, 3:00 PM Washington, DC
The Electric Maid in Takoma Park
228 Carroll Ave - Adjacent from The Takoma Metro Stop
----------------------------------------------------------------------chris chandler []----------------------------------------------------------------------You are subscribed as Your user name is unsubscribe from these mailings, visit or reply with "unsubscribe" in the subject.Powered by SLAB500 []
To unsubscribe just reply with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.
Vol IX issue iii
December 1, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Hey everybody,
It's that time of the month again. In the imeadiate future I will be headed to New England with Seattle's Paul Benoit. Hope to see you out there! OH, we will also be doing a couple of home town events in Washington, DC. I haven't played DC in 2007 so come on out!
Thanks so much for your responces to the news letter. I send it once a month usually on or about the first of the month. It is subscribed to by about 10,000 people and is usually a little editorial followed by some announcements and a list of where you can catch a show.
In short, THANKS soooo much for your intrest and support!
Love O Rama,
Chris Chandler
So here it is:
T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
Vol IX issue iii
December 1, 2007
Atlanta, GA
In DC a few days ago George Bush met with Al Gore. I think it was George's way of fighting global warming. After the 2000 election, I always figured hell would freeze over before that happened. But no. Hell is not freezing over. I know. I have been watching the History Channel's new series called Ice Road Truckers. Many wondered why the show was picked up by The History Channel but if you think about it, with the melting polar ice caps the whole concept is soon to be well. . . History. In fact they are already in production for next year's season to be called The North Pole Midshipmen.
Henry Hudson and Stan Rogers would be proud. We have found the North West Passage. The big disappointment though is Santa has been forced to relocate his shop. It was a move that did not surprise many toy manufactures. It had been projected for years.
It seems the global warming problem coupled with the rising cost of reindeer feed and new demands made by the Elves have caused the economic viability of The North Pole facilities to become obsolete. Rising demand by American children insisting higher and higher quantities of T.M.X. Elmo eXtra Special Edition, Pleno the Dinosaur, and Fisher Price Lil Super Star Sing Along Karaoke Machine had sent the Elves into triple overtime. Santa simply had to find someone of a similar height to keep up with demand.
The Choice was obvious: Chinese Children. It seems the sweat shops in China are well equipped to keep up with demand and Chinese Children will work for less than those pudgy cookie eating elves.
So this year the sleigh has been replaced with a rickshaw pulled by a team of Chinese flying water buffalo. Donder, Blitzen and the gang have found work in this season's long awaited sequel "Crouching Tiger, Flying Reindeer."
"Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!" Has now been replaced with "On Kung Pao, and Lo mein! Moo shu! And Wanton!" Of course we can't forget "General Tso the Red nosed Gnu."
Hardest hit by all of this are the Elves that are now seeing 80 percent unemployment - especially after an embarrassing incident in a celebrity dance competition. Besides Santa, the only regular hirer of Elves is the Keebler company and come-on, how many Pecan Sandies and Danish Wedding Cookies can ya stand?
Travelocity considered a few commercial spots with the "Roaming Gnome" but the "Itinerant Elves" just didn't have the same ring. Good fortune (if you want to call it that) has only come to a few of Santa's rebel Elves who had been living on the wrong side of the Pole. Sources say over a dozen were paid well by Howard Stern for appearing in an episode on his TV show exploring the subtleties of Midget Porn.
Frosty the Snowman seems to have survived for now and is living in the walk in freezer at a This Can't Be Yogurt just outside Dubuque, IA. There was a brief fear he was going to change his name to Aquafina the Water boy. But Lydia James, a 37 year old Barista - still living with her parents, stepped up and put her job on the line saying she could not stand the thought of his lump of coal eyeballs sinking to the bottom of a water cooler somewhere with his carrot nose and corn cob pipe floating on top.
Perhaps the biggest concern will be for Mrs. Claus who now finds herself at the age of one hundred and eight forced to sew Barbie sized jackets for the ever popular "Singing Hannah Montana Doll." But what is she complaining about? The current rate for sewing one of those jackets is 1 cent per dozen. (really)
But lets not talk about the losers. The winners are of course the children. And that is what Christmas is all about. With Santa's exodus from the North Pole he no longer needs to worry about restrictions he once endured. Toys will be brighter and more beautiful than ever this Christmas season with new higher tech lead paints once restricted in the North Pole facilities.
How else can Santa keep those Wal-Mart shelve stocked with X-Box, Furreal Friend's Remote control Ponies, and for the teenage Girl the Text Msg electronic Diary.
D.D. ?4U y 5555 over bf? Need 2 poahf & get afc 3 bbt
Santa and his elves just could not compete. They have those kids working 19 hours a day. They can sleep on the floor next to their assembly line post. Elves wouldn't stand for that. (Although there have been vicious rumors circulating about the Keebler Company's work schedule)
Those kids can work for a cup of rice a week. Every Elf needs the occasional Nutter Butter. Those Chinese kids don't need no stinkin' Nutter Butter. Those shelves have to be stocked. Have to. It's Christmas. And if we have to whip the kids in China to make sure American kids have a good Christmas than By-God we will. Those Chinks aren't Christian and for that matter neither are the Elves. They are Pagan. They'll burn in hell anyway. So what difference does it make?! It's Christmas! What would Wal-Mart be with out well stocked shelves? There would be no Christmas!
And besides this is not Santa's first move. His exile into isolation at the North Pole came when he was forced (again by the Americans) to move from his native Russia during the McCarthy era. This won't even be Santa's first time living in a communist country. Despite Washington Irving and The Saturday Evening Post's best efforts, he in fact remained in Russia well past the Boshvic Revolution and even through his courtship with Coca Cola in the 1930's. Yes, that benevolent bearded pipe smoking man you see wistfully depicted in Coke Ads from the 30s was in fact a Commie.
There is a radical splinter group of Santa die hard do gooders (mostly housed in the left wing of the Catholic Church) who maintain Santa's Move, -- what with his big heart and stalwart reputation -- believe his secret agenda is to transform the sweatshop environment.
However, the larger bodies with in most churches have joined the crusade this Christmas. It seems that those Chinese children have a monopoly on the manufacture of Crucifixes and other religious items including the New Testament itself. (really)
First it was all the American Flags, now the bible?
Some Protestant churches have joined in (at least in spirit) and are replacing actors in their Christmas Living Manger pageants with workers from Guatemala found hanging outside the home Depot. Yes, this year the three wise men are actually named Rafael, Ricco and Carlos. The good news is. . . the baby Jesus? His name really is Jesus. . . (Hey Zeus) . . . the two year old son of Mary and Juan of Corpus Christi, Texas.
As for the Crucifixes, even ones clearly marked "made in Italy" (leaving one to presume by tranquil monks) were in fact made in China in Sweatshops under deplorable conditions. (really)
So the next time you see a lawn lit with a plastic baby Jesus just ask, "Where was Jesus Made?"
The School of the Americas Watch demonstration drew 25,000 people this year. It was inspiring to see all of those peope showing up in mass (so to speak) demanding the School be shut down. We missed by 8 votes in 2007 and our goal is clearly within our grasp by winning the vote slated for 2008.
The three benefit concerts I put together raised about 8 thousand dollars the one in Atlanta at the Eye Drum put together by Elise Witt makes over $10,000. Thanks to all who helped and attended.
On November 30 in Washington, DC
Paul Benoit and I are performing a benefit for Common Ground to assist them in rebuilding New Orleans
See the dates for details
I am still considering the west coat in February. I will be at the Folk alliance in February If you have any thoughts on that trip and want to have me perform in your town please drop me a line.
Thinking of a Christmas Gift? How about any of
And what is Christmas with out giving. And there could be no giving if some self-less person out there was not willing to take a little bit. If you would like to contribute to the health of this newsletter please click:
This month I will be loading up more videos to Myspace and You-tube.
Please stop by and ummm... be my friend.
As always, CDs are available at
T.H.A.N.K. .Y..O.U.
Shirley, Anne Feeney, Paul Benoit, Chris Insera, Bill Abner at Atlanta Sound and Lighting, All of the wonderful folks who helped at SOAW especially Jarred, Joe Jencks, Dave Lippman, The info Bus, Eric LeCompt, Elise Witt, The Eye Drum, Kodac Harrison, Eddie Owens, Cullen, The Info shop, Fishman, Mom, Kevin, Karen, Frank, Sheila the Wonder Bink, Joe, Jay, Pat Barnes, Kate, Jim and Catherine Infantino, and Karen Kilroy.
H.E.R.E.S. .D..A. .D.A.T.E.S.:
Friday, November 30th, 2007, 7:30 Washington, DC
Letelier Theater 3251 Prospect Street NW
Saturday, December 1st, 2007, 8 PM Philadelphia, PA
the Home of Stu Bass
for info contact
Sunday, December 2nd, 2007 Souderton, PA
The home of Bradley and Deborah Keough
80 Hillside Ave 215 723 9788
Tuesday, December 4th, 2007 Providence, RI
Reflections Cafe
468 Wickenden St (401) 273-7278
Wednesday, December 5th, 2007, 8 pm NYC, NY
The Sidewalk
94 Ave A
Thursday, December 6th, 2007 Brooklyn, NY
Hanks Saloon 46 3rd Ave (at Atlantic Ave)
2 blocks from Atlantic Terminal and Hoyt-Schermerhorn
Friday, December 7th, 2007, 8:30 pm Middletown, CT. 06457
Klekolo World Coffee TENTATIVE
181 Court St. 860-343-9444
Saturday, December 8th, 2007 Willimantic, CT
Wrench in the Works
Sunday, December 9th, 2007, 8 pm Cambridge, MA
47 Palmer St 617 492 5300
Monday, December 10th, 2007, 3:00 PM Washington, DC
The Electric Maid in Takoma Park
228 Carroll Ave - Adjacent from The Takoma Metro Stop
----------------------------------------------------------------------chris chandler []----------------------------------------------------------------------You are subscribed as Your user name is unsubscribe from these mailings, visit or reply with "unsubscribe" in the subject.Powered by SLAB500 []
- THE MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT May 2008 20 Year Anniversary! Special Edition.
- Chris Chandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT April 2008
- Chris CHandler's MUSE AND WHIRLED RETORT February 2008
- Chris Chandler's The Muse and Whirled Retort January 2008
- Chris Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort December, 2007
- Chris Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort November, 2007
- The Muse and Whirled Retort October, 2007 8th Anniversary
- Chris Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort September, 2007
- Chris Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort August 2007
- Happy 7-7-7
- Chris Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort July, 2007
- Chris Chandler's Muse and Whirled Retort June, 2007