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  • Muse and Whirled Retort Archives 2006

    The Muse and Whirled Retort - May, 2006


    chandler - the website

    The Muse and Whirled Retort

    May 1, 2006

    Volume VII Issue vii

    Paterson, NJ

    Please support this newsletter:

    T.A.B.L.E. .O.F. .C.O.N.T.E.N.T.S.


    1. Subscription stuff
    2. How to get stuff
    3. Greetings and quick run down of recent past and the near future
    4. The Muse and Whirled Retort
    5. Announcements
    6. Dates


    1. To subscribe (I ONLY BOTHER YOU ONCE A MONTH) click:

    To unsubscribe reply with unsubscribe in the subject line.


    1. H.O.W. .T.O. .G.E.T. .S.T.U.F.F.
    The New CD is doing great! by Far the best record I have ever made.

    TO GET THE NEW 2 VOLUME ENHANCED CD SET "American Storyteller:"

    Please check out our three videos at

    Check out: David Roe's site

    Check Out Karen Kilroy's Impeachment Shop

    And now enough of the crass commercial announcements


    1. We are looking forward to returning to some of our favorite Festivals (High Sierra, Oregon Country Fair, and the Islands) but are disappointed not to be able to make it to some of our favorites - I will miss you Kerrville, Falcon Ridge and SolarFest - maybe we can come back next year!


    1. and now...
    T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.

    The Muse and Whirled Retort

    May 1, 2006

    Volume VII Issue vii

    Paterson, NJ

    Hey everybody,

    It's that time of the month again.

    May Day. Oh, I wish I could wax on and on about this day, but the truth is - I am headed out today for a couple of weeks in the Northeast. It is beautiful out - so this may very well be the shortest whirled retort in history.

    Baby Squirrel in pocket of record store owner in Kent, Ohio. Photo, Karen KilroyDr D has been in Brandywine, MD planting a garden and getting dirt under his nails - and now spring is in full spring. The dogwoods and cherry trees splash color across the marble city like the Jackson Pollick's that hang in the National Gallery. It makes me praise creation itself. Somehow, I realize as I stand in awe of the smells that old lady perfumes try to emulate - that perhaps the reason creationists must regail evolution - is that - if we are created in God's image - and evolution is true - than God must be evolving too. And perhaps, as God evolves he has relaxed some of those old testament ideas. Just a thought. Now, I recommend you do as I am about to do - turn off your computer and go out into it. It is beautiful out there.

    We are both very excited about this mini-tour of the Northeast and next month we venture into the heartland and then the west coast!

    See you out there!


    Check out this new video.

    (requires Windows Media Player)

    I rediscovered this poem by WH Auden shortly after 9-11 - as it was circulated widely on the internet. D. R. and I recoded it for The American Storyteller Album:

    I am excited about this one - because I actually shot about 80% of it.

    If you can't play Windows media player files, check back later in the month for other versions.


    We are looking for a date in Oh say, St Louis or Kansas City or somewhere midwestish on June 22 and or June 23 as well as July 26 or 27.

    Ya see - due to credit card problems - we are going to drive for our west coast tour and would really like a couple of dates between DC and San Francisco and on the way back - between Bellingham, WA and Washington, DC

    That is a pretty big area - Madison??? You out there?


    On this tour we are now selling a DVD of several of the new videos that we play in the show including "Something's in the Air" "9th Ward New Orleans #2" "The Dutchman/Cracker Jack Cure" "I Dreamed I Saw St Augustine.... Florida" and "The newest one: "Green Fields of France/September 1, 1939"


    I am almost done with the new David Rovics DVD including 5 music videos I made for him in the past few months.


    The New Orleans Saints drafted Reggie Bush - first time a Bush has been refered to as a Saint I assure you.


    Remember May 4, 1970 (sites recently redesigned by my film partner Karen Kilroy)
