Muse and Whirled Retort Archives 2007
The Muse and Whirled Retort July 2007
Monday, July 2, 2007
July 1, 2007
Volume VIII Issue ix
Atlanta, GA
T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
To subscribe click
To unsubscribe reply with the word unsubscribe in the header
I have put up one of the new songs on myspace. Please sign up.
Please stop by " sign up " say hi!
Greetings and Quick rundown of personal news:
It's that time of the month again...
I will be touring the Great North West (or South West " for those of you in Canada " the Kinder Gentler Nation) with Paul Benoit.
The solo shows are going very well. I had one last night and one tonight! I am still booking the summer and I need your help.
I am headed from Atlanta (where I am visiting my mother) through St Louis, Kansas City, to Seattle then down to Santa Cruz back up to Victoria back to Eugene, OR and then back to DC.
Particularly I need dates from Kansas City to Seattle in Early July and ANYWHERE from Eugene to Washington, DC in Mid August " see below for details.
If you can help out with a house concert or know of a venue please drop me a line
Enough of the crass commercial announcements. Let's get to the Muse.
Lots of love y'all " and see you on the road.
T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
The Muse and Whirled Retort
July 1, 2007
Volume VIII Issue ix
Atlanta, GA
I am at the U.S. Social Forum here in the city of my birth.
On Friday early in the morning I was asked to perform a song at a Native American "water blessing" ceremony. I was flattered. But as I heard a Native woman tell (through a translator) of the copper bucket she was using I began to think about it. She pointed out that copper buckets had been found as faraway as Mexico City that could have only have come from copper found where she was from " in the great lakes region. As my time approached I thought about this being my homeland, and of where our water " the water she was using " the water I brushed my teeth with as a child - came from.
I thought about an old song I had written back in the 80s called "Chattahoochee." *
The Chattahoochee river is the main water source for Atlanta " It is a small un-navigable river that comes down from the Georgia mountains just this side of the eastern continental divide and flows into what we call the Gulf of Mexico.
Back when my ancestors came to Georgia as debtors from England, Georgia's bounders - as understood by Europeans - went all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Los Angeles would be the largest city in Georgia. Arnold Schwartanager would eat grits and stupid people in Hollywood movies wouldn't have southern accents.
George W Bush would not have been governor of Texas " he would have been Governor of Georgia. OK, stupid people in Hollywood movies would still have southern accents.
That is if it weren't for the Chattahoochee River which would eventually become the border between Georgia and Alabama and then into Lake Siminole at the corner of Alabama, Georgia and Florida. Borders!
I grew up making fun of people from Florida. People from Florida made fun of people from Alabama. People in Alabama made fun of people from Mississippi. People in Mississippi just had to take it.
I was thinking about this (really) as I participated in this ceremony. The native woman poured water from one copper vessel into another as she explained that this same ritual had been done for centuries upon centuries " this time to purify water that " well, came from the Chattahoochee River.
In the late 18th century as pioneers started to migrate to the wild wild west (my blood relatives included) into Alabama, the Yazoo deals solidified the river as the border.
In the early 19th the Cherokee Indians who were living in Western Georgia and Eastern Alabama teamed up with that guy on the twenty dollar bill to help 'secure' the area.
Thus verifying my thought that ALL people have warred against and enslaved one another regardless of race or culture. It is often over borders " which are " most often " water.
The Cherokee agreed to move north in to the mountains of Georgia in exchange for representation in the US Congress " in other words - for protection via the United States Army from their enemies " with whom they never dreamed would become their enemy.
They were a very sophisticated people. They held elections long before white people did. They formed a written language, had schools and started their own newspaper printed in their native tongue. It was the most widely circulated paper in the state.
But in the game of scissors rock and paper the paper does not cover the rock if that rock is gold. For it was gold that was discovered in the mountains of Georgia in the 1830s and the Cherokee Paper announced it to the world. After all, they had a friend in the White House but as Cyndi Lauper says, "Money changes everything."
The water coming down from the mountains of Georgia " forming the Chattahoochee River could be used to pan for gold much easier if those pesky Indians were forced to march a thousand miles away " at the point of a gun held by the very man they had sworn allegiance to. Three thousand died along that march " do the math -- that is every mile three people died. Think about that as you count the mile markers along I-40, filling your tank with a couple of green pictures of Andrew Jackson.
We call it "The Trail of Tears." The story has been told by many " most much more poetically and poignantly that my telling.
I thought about the tears that WERE cried along that trail as I participated in the water ceremony in Atlanta. I think of our bodies being mostly water, and of where those actual tears came from " the same water that was being blessed " The Chattahoochee River.
When it came my time for me to sing, I simply had to decline. I could not stand in front of 150 Native Americans " as myself a native of Georgia " and tell tales of Native history.
Sometimes, when you have nothing to say. You should simply say nothing.
I am sure I would have gotten applause, Hell, I may have even gotten a gig out of the deal.
But, I knew I could not do justice to perhaps the most tragic event in American History.
No way.
I have witnessesed white people standing in front of Native Americans, telling them their history. I just couldn't do it.
Sometimes the greatest form of respect is shutting up and listening. Thank you for listening to me in the form of this news letter.
*"Chattahoochee" is on the Album "in the road" © 1990 " out of print
I will try to load a copy of the song on
Welcome to the World! You are a lucky girl to be born to such terrific parents: Eleanor Steck was born June 23 at 4:34 AM to Oliver and Michele.
Congratulations on their wedding this month: Monique and Daniel Berlin (Son of Anne Feeney and Ron Berlin).
In horrific sadness I report that my dear friend Berk Snow was killed while doing what he loved " piloting a small aircraft on June 14th.
Berk was the host of Wild River Radio on KMUD-FM in Garberville, CA and a potent soul while remaining a truly gentle man. Something we can all learn from. " He was a generous supporter of community radio, the environment, and political songwriters and activists.
I blush remembering grocery shopping with him at Kerrville and watching him kindly return all of the packaging to the grocery store as each item was rung up. Just one small memory of his enormous power. I had written a song called "You can buy anything that you want to " but you Just can't throw it away." Based on the experience.
He loved to fly. He and his life partner, companion and true love of more than 30 years - Suzanne Beers - were on a short pleasure flight in Berk's single engine Cessna 172. The plane crashed in a canyon in wildest Idaho, near the Oregon border.
Even though he lived for several hours after the crash, our dear Berk never regained consciousness. Miraculously, his beloved Suzanne sustained only moderate compression fractures of her spine and some relatively minor cuts. Suzanne then survived four days and three nights in this rugged and isolated terrain until she was spotted by a rescue team, and evacuated to safety.
Additional details and photos are posted at -- Berk touched the lives of so many people - in his home community in Humboldt, at Folk Alliance, at the National Association of Community Broadcasters, at the Kerrville Folk Festival, at Burning Man, at the Oregon Country Fair, and throughout the world of community radio and political activism.
Our community has sustained a terrible loss. My heart breaks for Suzanne, and all those who loved Berk.
There will be a memorial for him on July 8 in Garberville, CA
Berk was a champion of all that is good in this world. I miss him dearly.
I will be working this summer on the west coast with Paul Benoit as my musical director. I know Paul from years at the Oregon Country Fair and The High Sierra with Hanuman /
I am looking for others in other parts of the country that would be willing to back me up for tours in your region.
On June 21st funding for the School of the Americas was authorized by a mere 6 votes... We get closer than ever to closing that monstrosity. 203 members of Congress supported the amendment to cut off funding... the most ever!
Check to read about the United States' terrorist training camp. At there is a clickable link to find out how your member of Congress voted.
See you at Fort Benning November 16-18th
T.H.A.N.K.S. .T.H.I.S. .M.O.N.T.H. .T.O.:
Thanks to all for your kind notes of support during these trying days. And to Claire C Chandler, Anne Feeney, Eddie Owens, Karen Wurl, Kodac Harrison, Michael Koepenick The US Social Forum, Dave Lippman, Jenny Brown, Frank Chandler, Fishman, Frankly, Atlanta Sound and Lighting.
N.O.W. ..H.E.R.E.S. .D.A. ..D.A.T.E.S.
Wednesday, July 4th, 2007, 8pm
Cobden, IL
Yellowmoon Cafe
110 Front Street
(618) 893-2394
Friday, July 6th, 2007, 8 pm
St Louis, MO
The Schlafly Tap Room
2100 Locust
Saturday, July 7th, 2007
Kansas City, MO
The All Souls UU Church
4501 Walnut
7:00 PM
contact: 816-898-8976 for more info
Friday, July 13th, 2007, 12:30PM
Outside Eugene
Oregon Country Fair Hoarse Chorale
Friday, July 13th, 2007, 5:00 PM
Outside Eugene
Oregon Country Fair Keasey Stage
Sunday, July 15th, 2007, 12:15 PM
Outside Eugene
Oregon Country Fair Blue Moon Stage
Sunday, July 15th Dusk 30 PM
Outside Eugene
Oregon Country Fair The 11th Annual Library Show
Friday, July 20th, 2007, 7:00PM
San Francisco, CA
The Beat Museum
540 Broadway (at Columbus)
415 399 9626
Saturday, July 21st, 2007, 2 pm
San Francisco, CA
Labor Fest " a performance of The Paterson Silk Strike
255 9th St/Folsom St
Saturday, July 21st, 2007, 7pm
Berkeley, CA
House Concert " At the home of Hali Hammer, Randy and Tim
1609 Woolsey Street
Sunday, July 22nd, 2007, 11:30 AM
Radio interview at KPIG!
Sunday, July 22nd, 2007, 7:30
Louis La Fortune/House Concert -
RSVP and directions 831-476-5019
Monday, July 23rd, 2007, 8pm
Downtown Felton, CA
Don Quixote's International Music Hall
6275 Highway 9
Wednesday, July 25th, 2007, 6:30 PM
Florenace , OR
Siuslaw Valley Library - Bromley Room
1460 9th St (At Maple)
541 997 3132
Thursday, July 26th, 2007, 8PM
Chehalis, WA
The Matrix
434 NW Prindle St
Friday, July 27th, 2007
Anywhere in NW, WA
we need to sell this date - Port T???
Friday, July 27th, 2007
Vashon Island, WA
Heron Arts Center
Sunday, July 29th, 2007
Seattle, WA
Spirit House " House Concert
At the home of Vivian McPeak
With Charlotte Thistle
6911 12th Ave N.E.
Tuesday, July 31st, 2007
Olympia, WA
200 4th Ave
Friday, August 3rd, 2007, 8:00 PM
Courtenay, BC
Joes Garage
115 5th St
Saturday, August 4th, 2007
Victoria, BC
House Concert at Ken Orchard and Sharon Hazelwood's
Victoria, BC
RSVP for more info
Sunday, August 5th, 2007
Vancouver, BC
Rhizome Cafe
317 East Broadway
Tuesday August 7th, 2007
Port Townsend, WA
The Upstage
Wednesday, August 8th, 2007
Cottage Grove, OR
Axe and Fiddle
657 East Main Street
Thursday, August 9th, 2007, 8:00
Portland, OR
With Adam and Kris
Mississippi Pizza
3552 N. Mississippi Ave.
Friday, August 10th, 2007
Vernonia, OR
A house Concert
contact: for info
Saturday, August 11th, 2007
Eugene, Or
Sam Bond's Garage
407 Blair
Will sing " OK tell stories " for gas money ANYWHERE between Eugene Or and Washington DC
Volume VIII Issue ix
Atlanta, GA
T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
To subscribe click
To unsubscribe reply with the word unsubscribe in the header

Please stop by " sign up " say hi!
Greetings and Quick rundown of personal news:
It's that time of the month again...
I will be touring the Great North West (or South West " for those of you in Canada " the Kinder Gentler Nation) with Paul Benoit.
The solo shows are going very well. I had one last night and one tonight! I am still booking the summer and I need your help.
I am headed from Atlanta (where I am visiting my mother) through St Louis, Kansas City, to Seattle then down to Santa Cruz back up to Victoria back to Eugene, OR and then back to DC.
Particularly I need dates from Kansas City to Seattle in Early July and ANYWHERE from Eugene to Washington, DC in Mid August " see below for details.
If you can help out with a house concert or know of a venue please drop me a line
Enough of the crass commercial announcements. Let's get to the Muse.
Lots of love y'all " and see you on the road.
T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
The Muse and Whirled Retort
July 1, 2007
Volume VIII Issue ix
Atlanta, GA
I am at the U.S. Social Forum here in the city of my birth.
On Friday early in the morning I was asked to perform a song at a Native American "water blessing" ceremony. I was flattered. But as I heard a Native woman tell (through a translator) of the copper bucket she was using I began to think about it. She pointed out that copper buckets had been found as faraway as Mexico City that could have only have come from copper found where she was from " in the great lakes region. As my time approached I thought about this being my homeland, and of where our water " the water she was using " the water I brushed my teeth with as a child - came from.
I thought about an old song I had written back in the 80s called "Chattahoochee." *
The Chattahoochee river is the main water source for Atlanta " It is a small un-navigable river that comes down from the Georgia mountains just this side of the eastern continental divide and flows into what we call the Gulf of Mexico.
Back when my ancestors came to Georgia as debtors from England, Georgia's bounders - as understood by Europeans - went all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Los Angeles would be the largest city in Georgia. Arnold Schwartanager would eat grits and stupid people in Hollywood movies wouldn't have southern accents.
George W Bush would not have been governor of Texas " he would have been Governor of Georgia. OK, stupid people in Hollywood movies would still have southern accents.
That is if it weren't for the Chattahoochee River which would eventually become the border between Georgia and Alabama and then into Lake Siminole at the corner of Alabama, Georgia and Florida. Borders!
I grew up making fun of people from Florida. People from Florida made fun of people from Alabama. People in Alabama made fun of people from Mississippi. People in Mississippi just had to take it.
I was thinking about this (really) as I participated in this ceremony. The native woman poured water from one copper vessel into another as she explained that this same ritual had been done for centuries upon centuries " this time to purify water that " well, came from the Chattahoochee River.
In the late 18th century as pioneers started to migrate to the wild wild west (my blood relatives included) into Alabama, the Yazoo deals solidified the river as the border.
In the early 19th the Cherokee Indians who were living in Western Georgia and Eastern Alabama teamed up with that guy on the twenty dollar bill to help 'secure' the area.
Thus verifying my thought that ALL people have warred against and enslaved one another regardless of race or culture. It is often over borders " which are " most often " water.
The Cherokee agreed to move north in to the mountains of Georgia in exchange for representation in the US Congress " in other words - for protection via the United States Army from their enemies " with whom they never dreamed would become their enemy.
They were a very sophisticated people. They held elections long before white people did. They formed a written language, had schools and started their own newspaper printed in their native tongue. It was the most widely circulated paper in the state.
But in the game of scissors rock and paper the paper does not cover the rock if that rock is gold. For it was gold that was discovered in the mountains of Georgia in the 1830s and the Cherokee Paper announced it to the world. After all, they had a friend in the White House but as Cyndi Lauper says, "Money changes everything."
The water coming down from the mountains of Georgia " forming the Chattahoochee River could be used to pan for gold much easier if those pesky Indians were forced to march a thousand miles away " at the point of a gun held by the very man they had sworn allegiance to. Three thousand died along that march " do the math -- that is every mile three people died. Think about that as you count the mile markers along I-40, filling your tank with a couple of green pictures of Andrew Jackson.
We call it "The Trail of Tears." The story has been told by many " most much more poetically and poignantly that my telling.
I thought about the tears that WERE cried along that trail as I participated in the water ceremony in Atlanta. I think of our bodies being mostly water, and of where those actual tears came from " the same water that was being blessed " The Chattahoochee River.
When it came my time for me to sing, I simply had to decline. I could not stand in front of 150 Native Americans " as myself a native of Georgia " and tell tales of Native history.
Sometimes, when you have nothing to say. You should simply say nothing.
I am sure I would have gotten applause, Hell, I may have even gotten a gig out of the deal.
But, I knew I could not do justice to perhaps the most tragic event in American History.
No way.
I have witnessesed white people standing in front of Native Americans, telling them their history. I just couldn't do it.
Sometimes the greatest form of respect is shutting up and listening. Thank you for listening to me in the form of this news letter.
*"Chattahoochee" is on the Album "in the road" © 1990 " out of print
I will try to load a copy of the song on
Welcome to the World! You are a lucky girl to be born to such terrific parents: Eleanor Steck was born June 23 at 4:34 AM to Oliver and Michele.
Congratulations on their wedding this month: Monique and Daniel Berlin (Son of Anne Feeney and Ron Berlin).
In horrific sadness I report that my dear friend Berk Snow was killed while doing what he loved " piloting a small aircraft on June 14th.
Berk was the host of Wild River Radio on KMUD-FM in Garberville, CA and a potent soul while remaining a truly gentle man. Something we can all learn from. " He was a generous supporter of community radio, the environment, and political songwriters and activists.
I blush remembering grocery shopping with him at Kerrville and watching him kindly return all of the packaging to the grocery store as each item was rung up. Just one small memory of his enormous power. I had written a song called "You can buy anything that you want to " but you Just can't throw it away." Based on the experience.
He loved to fly. He and his life partner, companion and true love of more than 30 years - Suzanne Beers - were on a short pleasure flight in Berk's single engine Cessna 172. The plane crashed in a canyon in wildest Idaho, near the Oregon border.
Even though he lived for several hours after the crash, our dear Berk never regained consciousness. Miraculously, his beloved Suzanne sustained only moderate compression fractures of her spine and some relatively minor cuts. Suzanne then survived four days and three nights in this rugged and isolated terrain until she was spotted by a rescue team, and evacuated to safety.
Additional details and photos are posted at -- Berk touched the lives of so many people - in his home community in Humboldt, at Folk Alliance, at the National Association of Community Broadcasters, at the Kerrville Folk Festival, at Burning Man, at the Oregon Country Fair, and throughout the world of community radio and political activism.
Our community has sustained a terrible loss. My heart breaks for Suzanne, and all those who loved Berk.
There will be a memorial for him on July 8 in Garberville, CA
Berk was a champion of all that is good in this world. I miss him dearly.
I will be working this summer on the west coast with Paul Benoit as my musical director. I know Paul from years at the Oregon Country Fair and The High Sierra with Hanuman /
I am looking for others in other parts of the country that would be willing to back me up for tours in your region.
On June 21st funding for the School of the Americas was authorized by a mere 6 votes... We get closer than ever to closing that monstrosity. 203 members of Congress supported the amendment to cut off funding... the most ever!
Check to read about the United States' terrorist training camp. At there is a clickable link to find out how your member of Congress voted.
See you at Fort Benning November 16-18th
T.H.A.N.K.S. .T.H.I.S. .M.O.N.T.H. .T.O.:
Thanks to all for your kind notes of support during these trying days. And to Claire C Chandler, Anne Feeney, Eddie Owens, Karen Wurl, Kodac Harrison, Michael Koepenick The US Social Forum, Dave Lippman, Jenny Brown, Frank Chandler, Fishman, Frankly, Atlanta Sound and Lighting.
N.O.W. ..H.E.R.E.S. .D.A. ..D.A.T.E.S.
Wednesday, July 4th, 2007, 8pm
Cobden, IL
Yellowmoon Cafe
110 Front Street
(618) 893-2394
Friday, July 6th, 2007, 8 pm
St Louis, MO
The Schlafly Tap Room
2100 Locust
Saturday, July 7th, 2007
Kansas City, MO
The All Souls UU Church
4501 Walnut
7:00 PM
contact: 816-898-8976 for more info
Friday, July 13th, 2007, 12:30PM
Outside Eugene
Oregon Country Fair Hoarse Chorale
Friday, July 13th, 2007, 5:00 PM
Outside Eugene
Oregon Country Fair Keasey Stage
Sunday, July 15th, 2007, 12:15 PM
Outside Eugene
Oregon Country Fair Blue Moon Stage
Sunday, July 15th Dusk 30 PM
Outside Eugene
Oregon Country Fair The 11th Annual Library Show
Friday, July 20th, 2007, 7:00PM
San Francisco, CA
The Beat Museum
540 Broadway (at Columbus)
415 399 9626
Saturday, July 21st, 2007, 2 pm
San Francisco, CA
Labor Fest " a performance of The Paterson Silk Strike
255 9th St/Folsom St
Saturday, July 21st, 2007, 7pm
Berkeley, CA
House Concert " At the home of Hali Hammer, Randy and Tim
1609 Woolsey Street
Sunday, July 22nd, 2007, 11:30 AM
Radio interview at KPIG!
Sunday, July 22nd, 2007, 7:30
Louis La Fortune/House Concert -
RSVP and directions 831-476-5019
Monday, July 23rd, 2007, 8pm
Downtown Felton, CA
Don Quixote's International Music Hall
6275 Highway 9
Wednesday, July 25th, 2007, 6:30 PM
Florenace , OR
Siuslaw Valley Library - Bromley Room
1460 9th St (At Maple)
541 997 3132
Thursday, July 26th, 2007, 8PM
Chehalis, WA
The Matrix
434 NW Prindle St
Friday, July 27th, 2007
Anywhere in NW, WA
we need to sell this date - Port T???
Friday, July 27th, 2007
Vashon Island, WA
Heron Arts Center
Sunday, July 29th, 2007
Seattle, WA
Spirit House " House Concert
At the home of Vivian McPeak
With Charlotte Thistle
6911 12th Ave N.E.
Tuesday, July 31st, 2007
Olympia, WA
200 4th Ave
Friday, August 3rd, 2007, 8:00 PM
Courtenay, BC
Joes Garage
115 5th St
Saturday, August 4th, 2007
Victoria, BC
House Concert at Ken Orchard and Sharon Hazelwood's
Victoria, BC
RSVP for more info
Sunday, August 5th, 2007
Vancouver, BC
Rhizome Cafe
317 East Broadway
Tuesday August 7th, 2007
Port Townsend, WA
The Upstage
Wednesday, August 8th, 2007
Cottage Grove, OR
Axe and Fiddle
657 East Main Street
Thursday, August 9th, 2007, 8:00
Portland, OR
With Adam and Kris
Mississippi Pizza
3552 N. Mississippi Ave.
Friday, August 10th, 2007
Vernonia, OR
A house Concert
contact: for info
Saturday, August 11th, 2007
Eugene, Or
Sam Bond's Garage
407 Blair
Will sing " OK tell stories " for gas money ANYWHERE between Eugene Or and Washington DC