Muse and Whirled Retort Archives 2009
The Muse and Whirled Retort July 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009

The water towers still do not face the highway - "THAT SIDE WAS MADE FOR ME AND YOU."
To subscribe click
To subscribe click
T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D.. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T. JuLY 2009
To unsubscribe just reply with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.
Coming Soon: LA, San Diego, Santa Cruz, Seattle, Portland, Eugene, Ashland, Florence, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Chico, Garberville, Willits, Truckee, Chehalis, Port Townsend, Vashon Island, Duncan, Victoria, Vancouver, Bellingham
On the west coast? Want to put on a house party with Chandler and Benoit as your entertainment? Look at the dates below. Lets do it!
T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D.. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
July 01, 2009
Vol. X Issue iv
Okemah, OK
Hey Everybody,
Its that time of the month again!. I am at the Family K restaurant across from the Creek Nation Casino "Where Oklahoma comes to play."
The restaurant is a cinderblock bulling with a poly-styrene horse atop illuminating it's peeling paint with 100 watt floodlights. It is one of a few businesses open. Trying to hang on next to the interstates usual generic haunts. Years ago I had written a story about the water-tower here in Okemah commemorating the towns claim of being the home of Woody Guthrie.
I decided to stop in and have a look at them again. I am just passing through enroute to do series of shows asking for single payer health insurance. Kinda seems appropriate to stop in to the home of Woody Guthrie. Since my first visit here 20 years ago the town has changed a great deal and begun to embrace Woody. They didnt always, Now, It has a big festival two weekends from now called Woody Fest. In truth, I don't think they are celebrating the life of Woody as much as simply accepting that there are people out there on the thin highways that love him. It is a poor town - and one guy said, Anything that brings money in. No one at the family K knows anything about him. Nor at the Casino. I went back to take a couple of pictures of the Water Tower and somebody thought I was trying to steal his weed eater. There is a Woody Guthrie Park in the town now - a far cry different than the reaction I got here 20 years ago.
None has said disparaging things about him when i have asked. Most have said, they really didnt know anything about him, but were glad people came here. The guy with the weed eater asked me if Woody did children's songs.
There is a nice brick pathway surrounding a statue of Woody with murals on either side. The names of Folk Singers who have contributed a brick are engraved with each step. I found the Ellis Paul brick and smiled. Years ago he gave me a piece from the foundation of Woodys House. I still have it. It is on my desk in Maryland. I told him at the time, No wonder I couldnt find what was left of his house cos people keep going by and taking parts of it. He laughed. There is a brick bearing his name at the foot of the Woody statue.
Though the town has erected a statue of Woody, the sign on the water tower still faces the wood, not the highway. (Perhaps you would have to remember my story from years ago to appreciate that.) "That side was made for me and you!"
None the less, I thought it was a good place to stop and write the Whirled Retort. I woke up in Ashville, NC this morning and have about a thousand miles on me today. I am in a mad dash to make it to LA tomorrow to join Anne Feeney for this "Sing Out For Single Payer" tour. Woody would be proud.
The chicken fried steak is good by the way. I would love to hang in town tonight and check out the sites, talk to folks about Woody. Sing some songs. but I really want to make LA.
I heard on the news about an hour ago that Al Franken is going to be seated. We are pretty dogone close to Filibuster-proof and if not now when? Really.
I know lots of people are saying that about their agenda - but this is a big one folks. Let us all work towards making this happen. Now. HARD!
I don't have health care. I am pretty sure know one in this restaurant has it either - and if they eat alot of this chicken fried steak they are going to need it.
I think about how much Woodys life - or at least his work - effected people. Effected me. His life should be celebrated.
Michael Jackson died this week.
Perhaps if we had health care in this country it would go a long way towards eliminating wealth celebritys ability to pay doctors to overmedicate them.
At this moment people are dancing in front of the Apollo theatre in Harlem. On the streets of Detroit and New Orleans celebrating his lifes work. In New Orleans there was a second line funeral that went past Armstrong Park. The Rebirth Brass band played Billy Jean and Ill Be There while people Moon Walked in the streets, pthe statue of Louis Armstrong. Two black men celebrated on the same occasion.
Louis Armstrong, like MJ was at one point the most famous person in the world. Both rejected at home for the color of their skin. Their music - with little direct political content - did in their own way a great deal towards bring us closer to racial equality.
Louis Armstrong spent much of his time abroad because he could not eat in the same restaurants in his home town. Michael Jackson went through a series of freakish plastic surgeries and skin dies as he fought to have his important film work be played on a white cable television station that ironically now exploits the excess of rap artists in a show called Cribs.
In many ways Michael Jackson was - like Louis Armstrong - the consummate crossover artist that brought black music in to white homes. They even had a Saturday Morning Cartoon where young Michael sang to me ABC. It was the first time I ever heard negro music.
All three of these artists have been disparaged for some indiscretion or another. Darkie, Commie, Freak. But I say, This land is Your land, It Doesnt Matter If Youre Black or White. What a Wonderful World.
MJ married a Pressley got Vincent Price (you cant get much whiter than that) to narrate the video for a hit on the highest selling album of all time he got dancing tips from Fred Astaire, He recorded with Mick Jagger and Paul Mc Cartney and still he was written off a race music.
At SXSW in 1990 I went to a panel including Bob Guchioni - JR then owner of several prominent glossy Music magazines. The floor was opened to question and I asked him why (then) 35 years after Brown Vs Board of education that the music industry was the most segregated institution in our society.
It still is.
My check has come. I am hitting send and leaving the Family K restaurant.
I hope to see you out there on the road.
Next stop: LA
A chandler book due out by this summer!
Brian QTN has meticulously edited together a 10 year anthology of this news letter 1997-2008. It has a forward by Dan Bern. I hope to have it by Fair!
Paul Benoit and I are working on a new CD. The project is well under way! It will be our first CD together. I am open to suggestions as to what to call this record of new material.
It will Have: The Stone Mountains of Georgia, Fame is For Sissies, and Pancho and Lefty/Sattelite Radio, among many others.
Paul and I are looking to fill in holes in our (pretty full) calendar. If you can help please drop me a line.
Shirley Myers, Claire and Kevin Chandler, Karen and Alan Muarray, Claire Murray, Paul Benoit, Danny Dolinger, Anne Feeney, Brian QTN, Celene deLoach, Fishman, Kodac Harrison, Courtney Maley, All the XFS folks, Monty Montgomery, Joe and Jay, EEQ, Pat Barnes, and Michelle Sellers.
H,E,R.E.S. .D.A. .D.A.T.E.S.
Thursday, July 2nd, 2009 8:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show
Local 47, AFM
817 Vine St
Los Angeles, CA 90038
Price: $10 suggested
please go to for the latest info
Friday, July 3rd, 2009 2:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show!
San Diego, CA
La Jolla
go to the website link for details on this show!
Saturday, July 4th, 2009 8:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show!
Live Oak Grange
1900 17th Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA
Friday, July 10th, 2009 noon
Shady Grove Stage
The Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
Friday, July 10th, 2009 3 PM
Chez Ray's
The Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
Saturday, July 11th, 2009 5:15 PM
Kesey Stage
The Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
Sunday, July 12th, 2009 noon
Blue Moon Stage
The Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
Sunday, July 12th, 2009 3 PM
Chez Ray's
The Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
Sunday, July 12th, 2009 soon as the sun goes down
The Annual Library Show
The Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
Monday, July 13th, 2009 7:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show!
Central Park Gazebo
8th Street and Madison Avenue
Corvalis, OR
Tuesday, July 14th, 2009 6:00
Chris and Paul splitting a bill with David Rovics
Mississippi Pizza
3552 N Mississippi Ave
Portland, OR 97217
phone: (503) 288-3231
Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 8:00 PM
with Paul Benoit - A split bill with Adam and Kris
The Airplay Cafe
701 E. Burnside St.
Portland, OR 97214
phone: 503-808-7908
tickets are $10 in advance (at Brown Paper Tickets) and $12 at the door
Thursday, July 16th, 2009 7:00 PM
With Paul Benoit
The Public Library
825 NW Wade St
Estacada, OR
Friday, July 17th, 2009 8:30 PM
with Paul Benoit
Cecil's New Orleans Bistro
773 Redwood Drive
Garberville, CA 95542
Saturday, July 18th, 2009
Live Oak Alive Summer Concert Series (with pre-show potluck-style cookout)
Santa Cruz Live Oak Grange Hall #503
1900 17th Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
phone: 831-325-3376
Sunday July 19th
North BAY
Check website for deets
Monday, July 20th, 2009 7:00 PM
Eleanor Walden Presents
Redwood Gardens
2951 Derdy St
Berkeley, CA 94705
More info TBA
Tuesday, July 21st, 2009 8:00 PM
With Paul Benoit
Truckee Book and Bean
10009 West River St
Truckee, CA 96161
Lou Raso
We have these two dates open
Anyone between Truckee and Chico?
Friday, July 24th, 2009
Pooba's Chicken Coop Grand Tent Revival
Shakespere Tent
Willits, CA
Saturday, July 25th, 2009 8:00 PM
at the home of Jake and Cassie
House Concert
Chico, CA
for location information
Sunday, July 26th, 2009 8PM
with Paul Benoit
Sam Bond's Garage
407 Blair Blvd
Eugene, OR 97402
phone: (541)431-6603
Monday, July 27th, 2009 7 pm
with Paul Benoit
Bohemia Gallery
222 A Street
Ashland, OR 97520
phone: 541-488-5227
Tuesday, July 28th, 2009
Stuart Henderson Presents
Florence, OR
Siuslaw Public Library,
1460 9th Street, 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 29th, 2009 7PM get together 8 PM show
Post Fair Concert - tentative but likley
Deadwood Community Center
deadwood community center
Deadwood, OR
phone: 541 964 3420
Thursday, July 30th
Olympia Washington
House Concert
Details TBA
check website for updates.
I will try to get the August news letter out before this date.
Friday, July 31st, 2009 8:00 PM Pot Luck at 7
presented by Jess Grant / Jess Grant to open with Seattle's own Paul Benoit
A house concert at The Laurelhurst Lounge
4819 38th Ave. NE,
Seattle, WA 98105
phone: 206-618- RSVP
Pot Luck at 6:30 PM
Out doors if weather is good
Saturday August 1
Sunday August 2nd, 2009
TENTATIVE SHOW with Paul Benoit
Goldbar, WA
This should be a fun show in one of Pauls favorite spots in Washington. and he would know! We will let you know as soon as we know something.
Wednesday, August 5th, 2009 8pm
Long John Presents
The Duncan Garage Showroom
201-330 Duncan St
Duncan, BC V9L-3W4
phone: 250-748-7246
for more info contact
I would really love to do another show on Vancouver Island Here or on Tuesday.
get in touch if you have any ideas!
Friday, August 7th, 2009 8:00 PM
Presented by Karen Gillmore
House Concert at the home of Ken and Sharon
RSVP Karen Gillmore or via phone
Victoria, BC
phone: (250) 384-5174 RSVP
Saturday, August 8th, 2009 8 pm
The Industrial Workers of the World Presents Chris Chandler with Paul Benoit
Rhizome Gallery
317 East Broadway
Vancouver, BC
Sunday August 9th
Bellingham? anyone?
I would love to talk to anyone about any dates between here and the east coast over the 2nd week of August.
I am looking for shows in St Louis on Spt 19 Cincinati Louisville and DC area all in that time frame. Sept 16- 20
To subscribe click
T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D.. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T. JuLY 2009
To unsubscribe just reply with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.
Coming Soon: LA, San Diego, Santa Cruz, Seattle, Portland, Eugene, Ashland, Florence, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Chico, Garberville, Willits, Truckee, Chehalis, Port Townsend, Vashon Island, Duncan, Victoria, Vancouver, Bellingham
On the west coast? Want to put on a house party with Chandler and Benoit as your entertainment? Look at the dates below. Lets do it!
T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D.. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.
July 01, 2009
Vol. X Issue iv
Okemah, OK
Hey Everybody,
Its that time of the month again!. I am at the Family K restaurant across from the Creek Nation Casino "Where Oklahoma comes to play."
The restaurant is a cinderblock bulling with a poly-styrene horse atop illuminating it's peeling paint with 100 watt floodlights. It is one of a few businesses open. Trying to hang on next to the interstates usual generic haunts. Years ago I had written a story about the water-tower here in Okemah commemorating the towns claim of being the home of Woody Guthrie.
I decided to stop in and have a look at them again. I am just passing through enroute to do series of shows asking for single payer health insurance. Kinda seems appropriate to stop in to the home of Woody Guthrie. Since my first visit here 20 years ago the town has changed a great deal and begun to embrace Woody. They didnt always, Now, It has a big festival two weekends from now called Woody Fest. In truth, I don't think they are celebrating the life of Woody as much as simply accepting that there are people out there on the thin highways that love him. It is a poor town - and one guy said, Anything that brings money in. No one at the family K knows anything about him. Nor at the Casino. I went back to take a couple of pictures of the Water Tower and somebody thought I was trying to steal his weed eater. There is a Woody Guthrie Park in the town now - a far cry different than the reaction I got here 20 years ago.
None has said disparaging things about him when i have asked. Most have said, they really didnt know anything about him, but were glad people came here. The guy with the weed eater asked me if Woody did children's songs.
There is a nice brick pathway surrounding a statue of Woody with murals on either side. The names of Folk Singers who have contributed a brick are engraved with each step. I found the Ellis Paul brick and smiled. Years ago he gave me a piece from the foundation of Woodys House. I still have it. It is on my desk in Maryland. I told him at the time, No wonder I couldnt find what was left of his house cos people keep going by and taking parts of it. He laughed. There is a brick bearing his name at the foot of the Woody statue.
Though the town has erected a statue of Woody, the sign on the water tower still faces the wood, not the highway. (Perhaps you would have to remember my story from years ago to appreciate that.) "That side was made for me and you!"
None the less, I thought it was a good place to stop and write the Whirled Retort. I woke up in Ashville, NC this morning and have about a thousand miles on me today. I am in a mad dash to make it to LA tomorrow to join Anne Feeney for this "Sing Out For Single Payer" tour. Woody would be proud.
The chicken fried steak is good by the way. I would love to hang in town tonight and check out the sites, talk to folks about Woody. Sing some songs. but I really want to make LA.
I heard on the news about an hour ago that Al Franken is going to be seated. We are pretty dogone close to Filibuster-proof and if not now when? Really.
I know lots of people are saying that about their agenda - but this is a big one folks. Let us all work towards making this happen. Now. HARD!
I don't have health care. I am pretty sure know one in this restaurant has it either - and if they eat alot of this chicken fried steak they are going to need it.
I think about how much Woodys life - or at least his work - effected people. Effected me. His life should be celebrated.
Michael Jackson died this week.
Perhaps if we had health care in this country it would go a long way towards eliminating wealth celebritys ability to pay doctors to overmedicate them.
At this moment people are dancing in front of the Apollo theatre in Harlem. On the streets of Detroit and New Orleans celebrating his lifes work. In New Orleans there was a second line funeral that went past Armstrong Park. The Rebirth Brass band played Billy Jean and Ill Be There while people Moon Walked in the streets, pthe statue of Louis Armstrong. Two black men celebrated on the same occasion.
Louis Armstrong, like MJ was at one point the most famous person in the world. Both rejected at home for the color of their skin. Their music - with little direct political content - did in their own way a great deal towards bring us closer to racial equality.
Louis Armstrong spent much of his time abroad because he could not eat in the same restaurants in his home town. Michael Jackson went through a series of freakish plastic surgeries and skin dies as he fought to have his important film work be played on a white cable television station that ironically now exploits the excess of rap artists in a show called Cribs.
In many ways Michael Jackson was - like Louis Armstrong - the consummate crossover artist that brought black music in to white homes. They even had a Saturday Morning Cartoon where young Michael sang to me ABC. It was the first time I ever heard negro music.
All three of these artists have been disparaged for some indiscretion or another. Darkie, Commie, Freak. But I say, This land is Your land, It Doesnt Matter If Youre Black or White. What a Wonderful World.
MJ married a Pressley got Vincent Price (you cant get much whiter than that) to narrate the video for a hit on the highest selling album of all time he got dancing tips from Fred Astaire, He recorded with Mick Jagger and Paul Mc Cartney and still he was written off a race music.
At SXSW in 1990 I went to a panel including Bob Guchioni - JR then owner of several prominent glossy Music magazines. The floor was opened to question and I asked him why (then) 35 years after Brown Vs Board of education that the music industry was the most segregated institution in our society.
It still is.
My check has come. I am hitting send and leaving the Family K restaurant.
I hope to see you out there on the road.
Next stop: LA
A chandler book due out by this summer!
Brian QTN has meticulously edited together a 10 year anthology of this news letter 1997-2008. It has a forward by Dan Bern. I hope to have it by Fair!
Paul Benoit and I are working on a new CD. The project is well under way! It will be our first CD together. I am open to suggestions as to what to call this record of new material.
It will Have: The Stone Mountains of Georgia, Fame is For Sissies, and Pancho and Lefty/Sattelite Radio, among many others.
Paul and I are looking to fill in holes in our (pretty full) calendar. If you can help please drop me a line.
Shirley Myers, Claire and Kevin Chandler, Karen and Alan Muarray, Claire Murray, Paul Benoit, Danny Dolinger, Anne Feeney, Brian QTN, Celene deLoach, Fishman, Kodac Harrison, Courtney Maley, All the XFS folks, Monty Montgomery, Joe and Jay, EEQ, Pat Barnes, and Michelle Sellers.
H,E,R.E.S. .D.A. .D.A.T.E.S.
Thursday, July 2nd, 2009 8:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show
Local 47, AFM
817 Vine St
Los Angeles, CA 90038
Price: $10 suggested
please go to for the latest info
Friday, July 3rd, 2009 2:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show!
San Diego, CA
La Jolla
go to the website link for details on this show!
Saturday, July 4th, 2009 8:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show!
Live Oak Grange
1900 17th Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA
Friday, July 10th, 2009 noon
Shady Grove Stage
The Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
Friday, July 10th, 2009 3 PM
Chez Ray's
The Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
Saturday, July 11th, 2009 5:15 PM
Kesey Stage
The Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
Sunday, July 12th, 2009 noon
Blue Moon Stage
The Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
Sunday, July 12th, 2009 3 PM
Chez Ray's
The Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
Sunday, July 12th, 2009 soon as the sun goes down
The Annual Library Show
The Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
Monday, July 13th, 2009 7:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show!
Central Park Gazebo
8th Street and Madison Avenue
Corvalis, OR
Tuesday, July 14th, 2009 6:00
Chris and Paul splitting a bill with David Rovics
Mississippi Pizza
3552 N Mississippi Ave
Portland, OR 97217
phone: (503) 288-3231
Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 8:00 PM
with Paul Benoit - A split bill with Adam and Kris
The Airplay Cafe
701 E. Burnside St.
Portland, OR 97214
phone: 503-808-7908
tickets are $10 in advance (at Brown Paper Tickets) and $12 at the door
Thursday, July 16th, 2009 7:00 PM
With Paul Benoit
The Public Library
825 NW Wade St
Estacada, OR
Friday, July 17th, 2009 8:30 PM
with Paul Benoit
Cecil's New Orleans Bistro
773 Redwood Drive
Garberville, CA 95542
Saturday, July 18th, 2009
Live Oak Alive Summer Concert Series (with pre-show potluck-style cookout)
Santa Cruz Live Oak Grange Hall #503
1900 17th Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
phone: 831-325-3376
Sunday July 19th
North BAY
Check website for deets
Monday, July 20th, 2009 7:00 PM
Eleanor Walden Presents
Redwood Gardens
2951 Derdy St
Berkeley, CA 94705
More info TBA
Tuesday, July 21st, 2009 8:00 PM
With Paul Benoit
Truckee Book and Bean
10009 West River St
Truckee, CA 96161
Lou Raso
We have these two dates open
Anyone between Truckee and Chico?
Friday, July 24th, 2009
Pooba's Chicken Coop Grand Tent Revival
Shakespere Tent
Willits, CA
Saturday, July 25th, 2009 8:00 PM
at the home of Jake and Cassie
House Concert
Chico, CA
for location information
Sunday, July 26th, 2009 8PM
with Paul Benoit
Sam Bond's Garage
407 Blair Blvd
Eugene, OR 97402
phone: (541)431-6603
Monday, July 27th, 2009 7 pm
with Paul Benoit
Bohemia Gallery
222 A Street
Ashland, OR 97520
phone: 541-488-5227
Tuesday, July 28th, 2009
Stuart Henderson Presents
Florence, OR
Siuslaw Public Library,
1460 9th Street, 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 29th, 2009 7PM get together 8 PM show
Post Fair Concert - tentative but likley
Deadwood Community Center
deadwood community center
Deadwood, OR
phone: 541 964 3420
Thursday, July 30th
Olympia Washington
House Concert
Details TBA
check website for updates.
I will try to get the August news letter out before this date.
Friday, July 31st, 2009 8:00 PM Pot Luck at 7
presented by Jess Grant / Jess Grant to open with Seattle's own Paul Benoit
A house concert at The Laurelhurst Lounge
4819 38th Ave. NE,
Seattle, WA 98105
phone: 206-618- RSVP
Pot Luck at 6:30 PM
Out doors if weather is good
Saturday August 1
Sunday August 2nd, 2009
TENTATIVE SHOW with Paul Benoit
Goldbar, WA
This should be a fun show in one of Pauls favorite spots in Washington. and he would know! We will let you know as soon as we know something.
Wednesday, August 5th, 2009 8pm
Long John Presents
The Duncan Garage Showroom
201-330 Duncan St
Duncan, BC V9L-3W4
phone: 250-748-7246
for more info contact
I would really love to do another show on Vancouver Island Here or on Tuesday.
get in touch if you have any ideas!
Friday, August 7th, 2009 8:00 PM
Presented by Karen Gillmore
House Concert at the home of Ken and Sharon
RSVP Karen Gillmore or via phone
Victoria, BC
phone: (250) 384-5174 RSVP
Saturday, August 8th, 2009 8 pm
The Industrial Workers of the World Presents Chris Chandler with Paul Benoit
Rhizome Gallery
317 East Broadway
Vancouver, BC
Sunday August 9th
Bellingham? anyone?
I would love to talk to anyone about any dates between here and the east coast over the 2nd week of August.
I am looking for shows in St Louis on Spt 19 Cincinati Louisville and DC area all in that time frame. Sept 16- 20