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The Chris Chandler Show

  • Muse and Whirled Retort Archives 2010

    Muse and Whirled Retort - March 2010

    PHOTO: Claire Chandler 12-27-1927 -- 02-14-2010    
    Ed Chandler 03-02-1927 -- 11-08-1973

    taken at their High School Prom just before they were married and my father went to Europe for World War II

    March 03, 2010
    Vol. XI issue vi
    Oakland, CA

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    The 2 CDs I made with { Anne Feeney} are now available for download at CD Baby
    Live from The Wholly Stolen Empire and Flying Poetry Circus

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    T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T

    March 03, 2010
    Vol. XI issue vi
    Oakland, CA

    My pathway led by confusion boats
    Mutiny from stern to bow.
    Ah, but I was so much older then,
    I'm younger than that now.

    For as long as I can remember, whenever I passed a big milestone on the interstate toll road of my life – I have always listened for the first Bob Dylan lyric I happened across.  

    Now, ya can't pick one and play it.  It has to be a coincidence.  It is just something I have done.  I find some odd comfort in it.  But not enough… There is no soft peddling it.  It hurts.  

    No amount of expecting it can prepare you for it.

    Yes, the Saints won the Superbowl ®.  There was much rejoicing.  My mother called me at half-time to say she was rooting for them.  It worked.

    I always said that if the Saints won the Superbowl ® that hell would freeze over.  Indeed, it got very cold in my hot little corner after they won.

    Fearing not that I'd become my enemy
    In the instant that I preach

    Now keep in mind here that I went to high school through Dylan's "Gotta Serve Someone" era. He won his first Grammy for that one.  Needless to say he was anything but cool in those days – and I have always rebelled against the tyranny of fashion. Yet, I have also maintained that we will go through our lives listening to the music we listened to in the 9th grade.  And, yes, we will go the rest of our lives dancing the way we danced in the 9th grade.  So tell your children of that age to pick their music carefully – they will be stuck with it the rest of their lives.

    I remember when my childhood dog was killed by a car as she was crossing the road to a neighbor's house.  A friend – having no idea what had happened earlier that day - pulled out his guitar and played a song for me.

    If you see your neighbor carrying something help him with his load
    And don't go mistaking paradise for that home across the road
     he sang.

    Ever since then, through past marriages, break ups, births, deaths, moving from one city to another, in sadness and in joy – I have listened for the first Bob Dylan lyric I came across.

    I remember once after a particularly bad break up, it was

    When we meet again, introduced as friends, please don't let on that you knew me when…

    I had no idea that this half-time phone call would be the last time I would talk casually to my mother. My sister called the next morning and said I needed to come home.  Washington, DC had been blasted with four feet of snow and more was on its way.  The airports were closed. I dug my way out and put the mid-Atlantic in my rear view before the next front hit.  I made it to Atlanta in about 9 hours.

    Ah, but I was so much older then,
    I'm younger than that now.

    We had a week.  All of my siblings, nieces and nephews came into town.  Old family friends paid a visit.  We sat in my sister's kitchen looking through scrap books and playing remember whens.

    My father died when I was very young, on the morning after their 28th wedding anniversary.  She never once dated again. She believed in – and remained in love.  She passed on Valentine's Day.  There was a national holiday (President's day) on our day of mourning.  We had her viewing on Mardi Gras and Funeral on Ash Wednesday.

    The Casket was lowered into the ground, next to my father.  Wind blew flower petals from bouquets to the four corners of the world as I got in my 1996 Saturn station wagon.  I saw the empty Hearse pull away in my rear-view.  It is a long drive from Stone Mtn, GA.

    I took my time.  I stayed in motel rooms.  No sleeping in the back seat at the rest stop.  Not this time.

    I was somewhere in rural Texas, just shy of Abilene.  I was listening to Outlaw Country on Sirius Satellite Radio almost exactly like the opening track of my latest album… only under very different circumstances.

    "Texas has so far surpassed the zenith of ugliness that it is in fact flawless.  It is perfect –you can't argue that perfection in and of itself is not beautiful - even if it is perfectly ugly."

    There is truly something surreal about the Texas oil patch.  The bleak landscape was spread out before me when off in the distance there was an enormous black pillar.  "A Texas tornado?" I thought.

    The sky went wholly black – and in the center of that blackness was a bright orange glow. A column of flames.  The grass on both sides of the interstate was ablaze.  Cars continued to go in the darkened tunnel.  I could see a truck engulfed in flames on the side of the road.  Emergency vehicles had just arrived waving the traffic through.  I could barely see the road in front of me.  When the radio blasted:

    Crimson flames tied through my ears Rollin' high and mighty traps…
    Pounced with fire on flaming roads
    Using ideas as my maps…
    "We'll meet on edges, soon," said I
    Proud 'neath heated brow.
    Ah, but I was so much older then
    I'm younger than that now

    Tucson followed El Paso, Bakersfield and San Francisco.  A new life – in a very new world.  I am getting married, and moving to a new coast where the sun had already set.  After a few hours of sleep in the arms of strength, we began loading a twenty foot truck to take our possessions across the bridge to our new apartment in Oakland.

    The last of leaves fell from the trees
    And clung to a new love's breast.
    The branches bare like a banjo played
    To the winds that listened best.

    I gazed down in the river's mirror
    And watched its winding strum.
    The water smooth ran like a hymn
    And like a harp did hum.
    Lay down your weary tune, lay down,
    Lay down the song you strum,
    And rest yourself 'neath the strength of strings
    No voice can hope to hum


    Claire Chandler 12/27/1927 – 02/14/2010


    Paul and I are working on an East Coast tour in late April and early May.  I am STILL booking it.
    Take a look at the schedule below, and if you have some thoughts on a place to play or a house concert please let me know.


    Paul and I are looking forward to a terrific summer tour on the west coast.  If you would like us to come to your place please drop me a line.


    Jen and I are enjoying our new place in Oakland CA.  If you are in the neighborhood – drop me a line.  We hope to have a little house warming party soon – OK an apartment warming party.


    Since I am new to the neighborhood – I am looking for folk-y- poet-y activist-y things to get into.  


    I am looking for someone locally to accompany me on guitar or piano for local gigs.


    Congratulations to my niece Chandler Murray for being accepted into nursing school.



    Jen Delyth, Karen, Alan, Claire, Chandler and Kathleen Murray, Kevin Chandler,  Frank and Dorothy Chandler, David and Christen Chandler, Shirley Myers, Paul Benoit, Anne Feeney, Bryan Miller, Mike and Marjorie George, Robin and Carolyn Hall, Fishman, Celene de Loach, Pat Barnes, EEQ, Joe and Jay, Clay Bowden, all of you who sent condolences my way or to my family, George Mann, Blake Harkins, Heather, Jason, Kirsten Schipper, Lemmon, Willard, Mark, and JC.


    H.E.R.E.'.S. .D.A. .D.A.T.E.S

    Chris Chandler Upcoming Events:

    Friday, March 12th, 2010 8:00 PM
    with Paul Benoit
    A House Concert at the Home of Jen Delyth
    San Francisco, CA

    This will be the first show of the new tour featuring New Videos.  For more info or to RSVP or phone for directions

    Saturday, March 13th, 2010 8 pm
    with Paul Benoit
    Velo Rouge
    798 Arguello Blvd
    San Francisco, CA 94118
    phone: 415 752 7799

    Sunday, March 14th, 2010 9 pm doors at 8
    with Paul Benoit
    The Crepe Place
    1134 Soquel Ave
    Santa Cruz, CA 95062
    phone: 831.429.6994

    Monday, March 15th, 2010 8:00 pm
    with Paul Benoit
    Old Town Coffee & Chocolates
    211 F street
    Eurika, CA 95501
    phone: 707-445-8600

    Thursday, March 18th, 2010
    with Paul Benoit
    Egan's Ballard Jam House
    1707 NW Market Street
    Seattle, WA 98107
    phone: 206-789-1621

    Friday, March 19th, 2010 8 PM
    with Paul Benoit
    The Red Bicycle Cafe
    17618 Vashon HWY
    Vashon, WA 98070
    phone: 206-463-5959

    Saturday, March 20th, 2010 7:30 PM
    with Paul Benoit Spotlight in the OffCenter series
    The Orcas Center 's Black Box Theater
    Eastsound (Orcas Island), WA
    phone: 360-376-2281

    Monday, March 22nd, 2010 7:00 PM
    With Paul Benoit
    The Public Library
    825 NW Wade St
    Estacada, OR

    Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010 4 PM
    NW Passage Radio Program
    KLCC Eugene
    Eugene, OR
    phone: 541-463-6000 Front Desk

    Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010 8 PM
    with Paul Benoit
    Axe and Fiddle
    657 East Main Street
    Cottage Grove, OR 97424
    phone: 541-942-5942

    Wednesday, March 24th, 2010 9 PM
    with Paul Benoit
    2958 NE Glisan. St
    Portland, OR 97232
    phone: 503-232-1504

    Thursday, March 25th, 2010 8PM
    with Paul Benoit
    Sam Bond's Garage
    407 Blair Blvd
    Eugene, OR 97402
    phone: 541-431-6603

    Friday, March 26th, 2010 8 PM
    EZ Presents - with Paul Benoit
    The Goble Tavern
    Hwy 30 mile marker 41
    Goble, OR
    phone: 503-556-4090

    Saturday, March 27th, 2010 8 pm
    with Paul Benoit...  Frankie Hernandez to open
    Headwaters Environmental Center
    84 Fourth Street
    Ashland, OR 97520
    phone: 541-482-4459

    Sunday, March 28th, 2010 8 pm
    with Paul Benoit
    The Muse Arts Center
    30 A East San Francisco Avenue
    Willits, CA 95490
    phone: 707-354-2475

    Monday, March 29th, 2010 8 PM
    Delta of Venus
    122 B Street
    Davis, CA 95616
    phone: 530-753-8639

    Tuesday, March 30th, 2010 7:00 PM
    with Paul Benoit
    House Concert at the Home of Maureen and Bill
    El Sobrante, CA
    RSVP to Maureen Barnato
    or 510-222-4484

    Friday, April 30th, 2010
    with Paul Benoit
    House Concert at the Home of  Barbara Getsinger
    potluck supper starts at 6:00, show at 7:30
    Watertown, CT
    or Phone: 860-274-2654

    Saturday, May 1st, 2010 1:00 PM
    Passaic County Cultural and Heritage Council and
    the NJ Council for the Arts Present a Labor Day Celebration
    American Labor Museum/Botto House National Landmark
    83 Norwood Street
    Haledon, NJ
    phone: 973-595-7953

    Other performers include Roy Zimmerman, The NJ Industrial Union Council Solidarity Singers, George Mann.  There is a $10 entrance fee, which includes light refreshments, entertainment, a museum tour and preview of the new exhibit on Albert Shanker: Labor's Educator.  

    Friday, May 7th, 2010
    Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival
    Havre de Grace, MD

    Saturday, May 8th, 2010
    Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival
    Havre de Grace, MD

    Sunday, May 9th, 2010
    Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival
    Havre de Grace, MD

    Wednesday, May 12th, 2010 7:30
    Speak UP! Hosted by: Don White
    70 Market St
    Lynn, MA 01901
    phone: (781) 477-0700