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  • Muse and Whirled Retort Archives 2010

    The Muse and Whirled Retort Septamber 2010


    Muse and Whirled Retort
    Vol. XI issue xii
    September 2010
    Oaksterdam, CA


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    To support this newsletter go to []  and click the coffee can to your left. its fun, easy, and makes the world a better place (or at least mine, and I am a pretty giving guy)

    Immediate destinations. Washington, DC, Pittsburgh, PA, Texas, Austin, San Marcos, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Kerrville, Louisiana, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Covington Mobile, Meridian, Pensacola, Jacksonville Tallahassee, Gainesville, South Florida Atlanta (Decatur,) Athens, Ashville, Johnson City, Winston Salem  

    !!!!!MaNeep Neep Neep Neep MaNeep MaNeep Neep Neep Neep MaNeep !!!!
    This is a special VIDEO edition!

    click on the image to your right!

    I would love to just embed it into this news letter but I am not that savey. and most of you arent either.... so...
    try clicking

    it is also on the front page of my website []
    T.H.E. .M.U.S.E. .A.N.D. .W.H.I.R.L.E.D. .R.E.T.O.R.T.

    Vol. XI issue xii
    September 2010
    Oaksterdam, CA

    Hey everybody,
    It's that time of the month again….

    This is going to be a first… a video news letter.  So sorry if you do not have the capability on your computer to watch it.


    The New Video by Chris Chandler and Jen Delyth called BP: Beyond Pollution

    or copy and paste this:

    or click on the picture to take you straight there!

    I have worked very hard working on this – it has been a real community effort.  

    Last month I asked if any of you had thoughts, video, pic on the crisis in the gulf.  The subject seems to have fallen away from the front pages of the news in the same manner that the oil miraculously "disappeared."

    This information comes to us from the same source that first told us after the oil rig explosion that NO oil was leaking – then, oh just 40,000 gallons (which kinda sounds like a lot to me) then it was 210,000 gallons then… 4.9 million barrels.  There are 42 gallons in a barrel. That is 205,800,000 gallons.

    Sheeze with that kind of math I should be able to tell the bank that the balance of my bank account is not two hundred dollars – it's two million.  HOLY COW – I just won the lottery!  Drinks are on me, everybody!

    But you know better, so do I.  and so does the bartender.

    And if I tried to order a two million dollar round of drinks with a two hundred dollar bank account… I would be in prison.

    Ad this information came from a company in that has been convicted of three monumental environmental crimes in ten years.  No ne from BP is doing time for those crimes.  THIS HAS TO STOP!

    SO I am asking for your help make this stop by spreading the word on this important topic in the hopes that the story does not disappear like the round of drinks I just ordered.

    The project has been a real community effort.  Thanks to all of you who sent in video, Pics, sources, firsthand accounts, ideas and even pats on the back.  Lets continue to make it a community effort by spreading this video around.  I don't often ask your help in spreading things around.

    (first assuming you even like my effort…) post it on your face book page… send it to others… comment on it… and even better… post it  as a video response to blogs and info pages you might subscribe.

    Speaking of community efforts, We have just observed the anniversary of Katrina.  5 years!  I took the occasion to pause and reflect at my own journal entries from that period and the five years since and I have created a page where I have collected all of my New Orleans videos in one place.  There are eight of them.  Well, two of them are just streaming songs and poems – but please have a look at:


    "Enjoy every sandwich." – Warren Zevon

    It has been a tough couple of months.

    As many of you know, my former music partner, personal heroine and dear friend Anne Feeney has taken ill.

    In her words: "On August 3rd, in Sweden, a lung specialist advised me that I have an 11 cm tumor on my lung that is stressing both my heart and lungs in dangerous ways."  Yes, it is cancer. And it is inoperable. She is undergoing kemo.

    "This diagnosis has wiped out most of my meager folksinger's savings.  I've had to cancel a lot of work that I was counting on, and incurred a lot of unexpected travel expenses.  Although most of my medical bills will be covered (now that I've come up with the $6000 in deductibles and copay), it seems unlikely that I'll be able to return to my hectic tour schedule, or any full time work, for several months.

    If you want to help me out with what are going to be fairly staggering expenses by folksinger's standards... I'm hoping to find 1000 folks who'll pony up $50 ...   I really *don't* want any larger donations ... I don't want anyone to dig deep for this... and if $50 is hard for you to come by, PLEASE don't think about sending me a cent.   I know I have enough dear friends who are doing okay that those of you who are struggling shouldn't spend a second worrying about my finances.

    You could send a check to me:

    Anne Feeney
    2240 Milligan Ave
    Pittsburgh  PA 15218

    or you can send a donation via Paypal to  If you're not sure how to do that...  there's also a "donate" button you can click about 4 inches down on the right hand side of ... clicking on that "donate" button will also allow you to make a safely encrypted online donation.
    I encourage you to do this if you can. Speaking of community.

    My condolences to the Benoit family on the passing of Bob Benoit.  Paul's Uncle.

    Paul and I are still planning a tour of TX, LA, FL, GA and NC in Late Oct-early NOV if you check my dates you will notice there is nothing on the books.

    I do have irons in the fire – but if you are in that region lets work something out right away.  I am behind – largely because I put this video in front of EVERYTHIG.
    I could use some work in the Bay area.
    I am looking for a music partner to do local gigs in the bay area (Sebastopol to Santa Cruz)  I am looking for a charismatic performer who can front his/her own show on guitar or piano and has a wide repertoire.
    I have put all of the New Orleans videos up on line in one place:
    There are lots of new videos up from the tour – thanks to all of you who filmed our shows!
    Life is hard but being in love makes it seem easy.
    Purchasing CDs helps both of us out:
    please help support this newsletter by clicking: and THEN clicking on the cute little coffee can to your right.  

    Thanks to all for such a successful tour that ended midway last month.
    Paul, Jen and I had a powerful summer. Thank you all!

    Jen Delyth, Paul Benoit, Anne Feeney, Brian QTN, Dave and Bright, Mac and Ute, Dan Jackie and Kaeli, Jarrod Kaplan, All the good folks at the Troubadour Music Center in Corvallis, OR, Ashley in Williams, OR; Marsea Star, Denies and all the folks at MT Spirit, Julie O'Dwyer, Frankie Hernandez, Russ, Wendy, Leore and Benja; Wes Brain, Chris Abbey, Jake and Cassie; Honey and Zora; Amndazon, Marc Anthony, all the good folks at Aborigine After Dark, Alan Miller, all the good folks at Delta of Venus, Michael Johnson, all the good folks at the Grange hall in Santa Cruz, Chuck and Joanne Narrad, Duane Day, all the good folks in the Artist Loft – Oakland, CA, Jeff Hobbs, The Berkeley Poetry Slam, and ALL OF THE FOLKS THAT HELPED MAKE THIS VIDEO A COMMUNITY PROJECT.
    H.E.R.E.S. .D.A. .D.A.T.E.S.

    I need your help!
    21 – 28 TEXAS
    looking for shows in Austin, San Marcos, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Kerrville???


    28-Nov 4
    Looking for work in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Covington Mobile, Meridian, Pensacola

    Nov 4-11
    Looking for work in Pensacola, Jacksonville Tallehassee, Gainsville, South Florida

    Nov 11 through 15
    Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee
    Atlanta (Decatur) Athens? Ashville? Johnson City? Winston Salem?

    November 19-21 SOAW Columbus, GA