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  • Muse and Whirled Retort Archives 2005

    The Muse and Whirled Reort March 2005

    The Muse and Whirled Retort

    March, 2005

    Volume 6 Issue 7

    Washington, DC

    To subscribe click here

    Coming up soon - shows in Washington, DC, Roanoke, VA, Alexandria, VA, Gettysburg, PA, Haledon, NJ

    To get the latest CD  click here

    T..H..E.. ..M..U..S..E.. ..A..N..D.. ..W..H..I..R..L..E..D.. ..R..E..T..O..R..T

    By Chris Chandler

    Hey everybody!  

    It's that time of the month again!  Don't worry this ones short!  Well the truth is I don't know that yet because I haven't written it.

    Ya see, sometimes life hands you a blank book.   As blank as this computer screen - well at least as blank as it was before I started typing this newsletter. But once you start putting marks on it ya have no idea what's gonna happen - the only thing you know for sure is that once you start - it is no longer blank.

    February 2005 was a big month here in Chandler land - so this month I am going to write about it -  if you were looking for my insights into the Michael Jackson Trial or about the fact that democracy is braking out amongst our enemies in the middle east - but amongst our allies - well that's a different story.  Not this month.   No, I need to write about what's going on with my show these days.

    About two weeks ago Anne and I did our last show together.  It was as tremendous as it was anticipated - thank you Carbondale, IL.  I had worked with Anne for over four years - longer than I worked with anyone else as a performing partner.  We complimented each others creativity and challenged our abilities.  We will remain dear friends. Please check out her site click here   I would not trade the end result for anything in the world (well, OK except maybe world peace, and ummm... a moon pie)

    Over the last several months I had been laboriously going over a brand new show with a new music partner Jo Smith "Tales of a new American Revival"- and after a week on the road she got a better view of the life that hurls past your windshield and decided the life of a troubadour road warrior was not for her.  She turned in her resignation, I understood.  It IS hard out there between the white line and the yellow one. I would not wish it on anyone.  (well, except maybe the guys that design the interior of automobiles - they should be required to tour as a folk singer for at least a year before they put pen to paper but I digress)  Joanna Smith is an immensely talented woman and I not only wish her the best I am sure the best will come to her.  She is a magnet that attracts good things.  Please check out her workclick here

    None the less - the whole ordeal leaves me scratching my head and flipping the pages of a blank book wondering how to or even IF I should fill it.  "Isn't  a blank book  full already?" I wonder, "Full of nothing - Is nothing something?"

    I believe that nothing is something - and that something is what I plan to do.  Nothing.

    I stare at this blank book and try my hand at doodles and words channeled in from a cartoon universe.  But not only are the words and doodles channeled in but the ink itself is channeled in as well.  It is of course disappearing ink, and after I finish the third part of a trilogy I have been working on for thousands of years called The Iliad, The Odyssey and, Running Out for a Pack of Cigarettes one Friday Night I am left with nothing.   I finish the volume in less time than it takes for me to return from the convenience store and after the ink disappeared, the only thing I can remember is a tow truck driver named Hector and some place called Zeppo's Bail Bonds.  

    So now, I sit on the lazy-boy of eternal 'where-to-turn-next' and hold imagination's channel changer.  I flip randomly through The Discovery, The History, The Learning, The Play Boy and Nick at Night.  I get stuck on Siberian women's fencing when the batteries in the remote die.

    I don't know what will happen next.   I think the blonde will piss positive for steroid use, stabbing the fencing world.  I want to find out for sure so I will remain in the Lazy-Boy.  I have even canceled a west coast tour in April just so I can find out.  I have never done anything remotely (no pun intended) like that before.  But I needed the time to sit here and figure out what is next.  Sorry about that - those of you on the west coast.   I have been on the road continually for 18 years!  Can't I just take a month or two off.

    I want to continue writing the series of American History stories I am working on and present them.   I want to make a record.  Actually I want to make a DVD.  No, no no no! not the vanity video of shots of ME playing MY songs - like a folkie music video - only with a small budget and the girls in thongs aren't nearly as attractive. No,  I want to spin some of my tales in to deeper layers of image, spoken word and melody.  I have scripts.   I have a good eye (I am a recovering art student after all) and years ago I made two award winning movies.  I want to return to art.

    Anyway,  I have a few needs here - and if ya don't announce them ya ain't gonna get em filled.

    I want to make a record.  I have a fresh batch of new material.  Can't afford it but I want to make a record.  I suppose I will do that here in DC but if any of you have any suggestions - or can offer to help in anyway - I would love to hear about it.

    I need studio time and musicians.  Got any thoughts?  I need a good digital video camera or advice on what to look for.    Also I need a video editing system.  Anyone out there have one they can sell me cheap - or advice on what to look for?

    I want to film "Tales of a New American Revival"  I have a vision.

    I will be back out for festival season this summer - but likely as a solo - I can not stay away from you too long.  You are my family and for me, after 18 years of being on the road - going home - seems like going away.

    As it turns out this one wasn't that short - but it seemed like it would be when I started.  But now the pages are no longer blank.  My new journey has begun. I put out there what I am liking for.   I am sure we will be crossing paths along 'the road not taken' sooner or later.

    Till then,




    My friend Rachel Bissex, 48, of Burlington, Vt. died Sunday, Feb. 20, 2005, at her home.

    She was a true light - burning hot in the Vermont snow.  Please check out her website - buy her music.  

    Survivors include her husband, Stephen Goldberg, of Burlington; a daughter, Emma Goldberg, also of Burlington; two sons, Matthew Cosgrove of Bloomington, Ind., and Jonas Goldberg of Maplewood, NJ.

    A scholarship fund has been established for her children Emma and Matt. Checks should be mailed to Merchants Bank, 164 College Street, Burlington VT 05401. Make checks payable to Bissex College Fund, Account #01827674. Thank you.

    I wrote her a poem. And have posted it here. click here


    On February 26 another Kerrvert Bruce Rouse suddenly passed. In addition to hosting the Rouse House Concert series, each year he and his wife Liz would open up his camp to the New Folk finalists so that they would have the chance to become oriented to the ranch and the festival.  My heart is with Liz, they were a very important part of the Kerrville Folk Festival.


    Anne and I are still consolidating our lists - if you would like to receive her monthly missive click on to

    She and I plan to share all of the information we acquired together with each other - but before we go ahead and do that we thought we would ask you if you have any objections.  Are we doing the right thing?  Have you got an opinion?